Chapter 18: Making Plans

Start from the beginning

Kohl catches on, his thoughts racing. "We could find a way to connect the guard to him. Perhaps make it look like the guard lead him to the room-"

"Ronon wouldn't stop to ask questions. He'd be so angry that the guard let Jackson even take the stone he won't even question the hows or the whys."

"I think we're onto something, Edythe. You trust this man?"

"If he has any slither of who he once was, yes, I believe we can trust him", I reassure myself more than Kohl. "He'll have just as much reason as anyone else to help us."

"As for getting out of the labyrinth undetected?" Kohl questions.

"Not many people know, but there is a way to overcome the labyrinth. Besides playing along," I explain, "there's a secret exit. It's more so for Ronon to be able to get in and out in case of an emergency."

"How will he find it?"

"If I spell a talisman, it can lead him to the exit."

"But Ronon will sense the magic."

"Not if we shield it", I continue, thinking back to everything I know about magic. "Or we draw Ronon's eye elsewhere. Have a spell so big that he won't even be able to detect the talisman."

"Who could be powerful enough to do that?" Kohl asks, still not convinced.

"I think I might know someone who can do that for us."


"I thought I was dead to you," Jackson huffs in defiance.

"You are. But maybe you have a chance to redeem yourself."

Jackson chuckles. "Oh, I'm sorry. Now suddenly, you want to give me a chance."

"It's a matter of life and death", I hiss, crossing my arms protectively. "And to be honest, even though I'm angry with you, I don't exactly want to watch you die either."

"Gee, thanks."

"Jackson, listen to me. Ronon is on the out. We are so close to accomplishing his defeat. We have one small problem. The emerald that brought the knights and me here is our only way to defeat him, and I need to find a way to steal it back."

"The rebels have a job for you. I have a job for you. It's this one job that I ask of you."

Now interested, Jackson looks up curiously. "Which is?"

"We'll help you escape. All you need to do is steal the emerald back and make a guard think he told you something when he was drunk one night. He doesn't have to believe it, but we need someone to witness it. To believe that you speak the truth."

"Oh, is that all?" Jackson chuckles in astonishment. "So you're pinning a robbery on me?"

I glance over my shoulder as a guard passes, waiting a few moments to continue. "Yes. But once Ronon is gone, you won't have to worry. We'll protect you until then."

"And why should I help you?" Jackson counters, leaning against the bars to get closer. He tilts his head mockingly as if trying to get me to snap at him.

"Because you want to survive", I retort. "And because you owe me for what you did."

Jackson narrows his eyes up at me. He almost seems offended by my words. "Owe you?"

"Yes," I whisper, eyes closing for a moment.

Arguing isn't going to get us anywhere. We need to find common ground again to accomplish this task. We once wouldn't have hesitated to help each other if the other asked it of us. We need to honour that friendship now, even if forgiveness isn't an option. For now, all we need is to work together.

"And as your friend, I ask this of you. Please."

"You made it clear that we're not friends."

I sigh. "I was angry. I really don't want to see you hurt. I was just hurting. Hurting that you didn't come to find me, we could have been together again. But you chose differently, and that hurt me."

"I can see you want to make things right. If you regret what had happened all those years ago, please, help us. You will regain your honour, and we may have a chance to be together again. You can come live with us in Camelot. We can make things right."

I find myself making these promises without even thinking. Perhaps I had always still felt for Jackson. Maybe I've never stopped loving him as my best friend. As much as his betrayal hurts me, I mean every word. I wished I could see him again for years, and now that wish has been granted. All I did was spit in the face of that wish.

The thought of having Jackson come live with us in Camelot brings me a joy I didn't know I would have. Camelot was a fresh start for me. Perhaps it could be a fresh start for Jackson too.

Jackson is lost in thought, clearly struggling internally to decide what he wants to do.

" are we going to do this?" 

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