Farm paled, his aura turning worried and shocked, "Multiverse theory and feedin' 500-600 monsters a month!? You're talkin' crazy!"

"My offer is to give you more gold to increase the size of your farm," you hold up a finger, each one being lifted as you tell Farm your propositions, "When given the food, the au would pay for it accordingly, and you'll have protection from the Destroyer of universes and your au will not be in danger of being destroyed. That's all I have to offer."

Farm, still shocked, asked you, "An' your name, please?"

"Nightmare, King of negativity and nightmares." You say.

You were pretty sure that Farm was going to faint from the shock.

"So are you on the plan or do you not want to follow through on it?"

Farm lifts a hand to his skull and sighs as he shakes his skull, "This 's prolly the most craziest thing that 'ave ever had happened to me." Farm shakes his head again and then smiles, "Aight then, your majesty, count me in but if this doesn't follow through, no deal. Got it?"

You nod, "Very well, I'll think of a way for it to be possible to trade with each other between universes."

"Aight," Farm nods.

"You'll also need a name other than Sans now."

"Ah, Farm'll do good," You nod again. Awesome, he chose the same name you were thinking of.

"Alright, and I'll need the food in 4 days from now," You say as you stand, and then portal away immediately, not letting Farm voice his shock and/or complaint.

Once you portal to Horrortale behind the skeleton brothers house, you hiss as you stumble onto snow and then quickly melt and travel into a shadow. You did it. You did it! YAY! Hhhhgggg, you were so nervous!

'You did great! Congrats Y/n!"

'Good job holding your composure' Corrupt commented and you smiled despite it not being visible as you were hidden in a shadow right now.

'Thanks. Now I'm going to have to talk with Queen Undyne to make this deal possible.' You internally groan to yourself. More talking.

This was not going to do well with your social anxiety.

Welp, taking a deep breath, you mutter some encouragement to yourself and then teleport to Hotlands elevator.

You press the button to take you to Asgore's castle- errr, well, Undyne's castle now, you guess.

Taking in a deep breath, you get ready to talk to Undyne as you straighten out your clothes (Something you didn't need to do but it was a force of habit) and you made your face monotone. When the elevator doors opened, you stepped through and walked through the city in front of the palace, admiring it, and seeing all of the damage that's happened to the place. Due to your powerful negative aura and you deciding to not hide it in this Au, the monsters hid and stayed away from you. The city near the palace was now gray, and looked worn out with multiple cracks in some buildings with some dust floating around, the way it shimmered in the fake light of the underground made you aware that it was monster dust. It made you feel queasy in your non-existent stomach but you trudged on with a steeled face. Seemingly ignoring all of the genocide that seemed to happen around the place.

Walking into the palace, you walk through the judgment hall. Eerily quiet and more dull than how it's supposed to look. Some greenery starting to grow from the cracks in the walls, a few of the pillars were demolished. Making it to the end of the hall, you exhale through your nasal hole and opened the doors with a loud creak.

"Alphy's, are your results finally throu-" Undyne starts saying but freezes as she sees you trudge through the throne room. You can feel the hostility in her aura turn more potent as time passes.

Forming a glowing blue spear, she chucks it at you. But you grab the spear with one of your tendrils and throw it back at her with unimaginable speed and accuracy, the spear slicing through her right cheek in a blink of an eye, creating a thin small slice that a small bit of dust and blood seeps out of.

"Throw another one and I'll aim for your other eye," You threaten with a small glare of your own.

'Address your strength to let others know to not mess with you, good, good' Corrupt nods in approval.

"What are you doing here, freak," Undyne spat as she returns the glare to you.

You roll your eyelight, "Is this how you really introduce yourself to other royalty, Queen Undyne?" You jeer as Undyne looks at you shocked.

"What!? But-"

You cut her off, "I am Nightmare, King of negativity and nightmares. And I have come to make a deal with you."


Axe recruited: Yes

Cross recruited: Yes

Killer recruited: No

Dust recruited: No

Error is an Ally: Yes

Make deal with Farmtale: Was done

5 years until Dream breaks out

Wait... I'm Nightmare!? I Thought I Died!?Where stories live. Discover now