Chapter Six.

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Beth poked her head around the corner of the bathroom door. "Are you seriously going out?" I sighed as she entered the bathroom without asking for permission of entry.

"What are you all dressed up for?" Chloe smirked joining Beth. I was wearing a skin-tight black dress which was extremely short with long sleeves and had a low laced back. I also wore bright red lipstick which complimented my skin tone.

"What do you mean?" I question as a huge grin grew on both of their faces.

"You are really dressed up!" Beth commented. "Where are you going? Who with? Are you meeting someone? Is it a boy? Is it a date? Oh my god it's a date isn't it?"

"Who with?" Chloe clasped her hands together carrying on questioning me.

"It's not a date," I laughed at their guesses. "Maria has invited me to a party in the village,"

"Your sneaky out?" Beth said in astonishment her hands covering her lips.

"Well I don't think Mrs Nelson would allow her to go out dressed like that," Chloe sniggered gently pushing Beth's shoulder.

"It's not too dressy?" I asked anxiously.

"You look wonderful," Chloe commented.

"Tacky if you ask me," I heard Kendall muttered from outside the bathroom room.

"She seriously hates me," I rolled my eyes smoothing the creases out of the dress.

"She doesn't," Chloe shook her head as she admired the dress in the reflection of the bahroom mirror. "She's just-"

"You don't have to lie for her," I reassured them, laughing lightly. "I'm going to go and out enjoy myself despite everything she says,"

"Have fun!" They both said in unison as I strolled out of the bathroom passing Kendall who was laying across her bed - a huge frown across her face.

"I kinda liked you at first," she admitted truthfully as I headed towards the door with the key in my hand. "That's why I warned you about them," she spat out.

"Them I assume is Maria and the boys," she nodded conforming my guessing. "You should give them a chance, they are just like anyone else in this school. Actually no they are more interesting and lead a good careless life!"

"Careless more like idiotic," she laughed sarcastically. "You'll know soon why I warned you,"

"What do you mean?" I began to bit my nails nervously, it was a bad habit I picked up whether I felt nervous or anxious.

"They'll hurt you,"

"They won't, they are my friends!" I laughed before flaunting out of the room leaving the girls in silence. Having crept out of school grounds, I headed towards the front gate where I'm was suppose to meet everyone. James and Connor were already know, I followed them through a dark alley way to where Tristan,Maria and Brad were relaxing the car. The party was at somebody's house called Sam, I guess you could say I was rather surprised we was going as apparently Sam didn't like Brad very much. With the music blaring from every single direction we walked on the noisy house - keeping close to each other.

"Hey!" Someone shouted over the blaring music, they waved and managed to push passed the crowds to meet us. "Boys,Maria and who are you darling?"

"Madison," I smiled shyly, I felt an arm wrap around my waist looking up I notice Brad flash a smile at me.

"Well I'm Sam," the boy introduced himself attempting to be somewhat sociable trying to make a good impression. His eyes scanning me up then down. I folded my arms across my body protectively.

"My eyes are here," I said sarcastically pointing clearly at them.

"I know, I know!" He laughed arrogantly. "Just enjoying the view, don't mind if I have some-"

"Show a bit of respect," My head swung around to face Brad, his teeth were gritted and fists were clenched. Sam took a step back and chuckled.

"Don't lie Brad, I've seen how you've treated the ladies!" He seemed to find himself hilarious. I turn around to grab Maria's attention to break the awkward tension between Sam and Brad to realise everyone else had left leaving us three . My eyes scanned the busy party, Connor was at the buffet table with a bowl of chips, Tristan and Maria were staring awkwardly at each other in the far left corner of the room and James was dancing ridiculously in the middle.

"Madison?" I'd just realised I'd been looking around the party room awkwardly and in silence for about a minute. "Let's get a drink," Brad suggested pulling me closer to his side as we pushed passed the crowds over to a drinks area.

"Sam he's a bit-"

"He's a bit of twat!" Brad finished off my sentence, smirking. "I've never got along with him,"

"Why not?" I asked watching Brad grab two empty plastic cups. "What happened?"

"It was a long time ago," he shrugged his shoulders. "What drink?" When I first came here I thought getting intoxicated was the best idea but now my mind had changed. I thought staying sober was the best option especially with Sam around.

"I'll stick to water,"

"You know when your 18 over here you can drink unlike America," he chuckled pouring my drink first then carefully handing it to me. I muttered a small 'thank you' before placing the cup behind me.

"I know," I giggled. "Unfortunately I'm not 18, I'm only 17!" I reminded him, smiling angelically.

"Wow and I thought you was know as the wild child because you used to break all the rules!" Brad spoke sarcastically.He looked extremely pleased with himself, he ruffled his hands through his hair as he smiled at his feet - shyly which was odd because he's presented himself to me as extremely confident.

"More like breaking hearts!" I joked.

"I can see that," he whispered, his eyes lifted from the ground to my face. They almost looked like they were twinkling. "You are like extremely beautiful tonight," he spoke softly - I didn't know how to response. I stood there awkwardly trying not to make direct eye contact as my cheeks were heating up. "You're blushing," he gave me a half a smile, half a smirk as he touched my hand. I flinched my hand away from his defensively. The atmosphere reeked of booze and sweat. Neon party lights flashing here and there as people jumped around to the music being removed by a DJ. However the compliment Brad had given me made me forget where we was for a second or two..

"Can we dance?" I grabbed onto Brads wrist loosely dragging him through the crowd. I throw my hands up in the air in time with everyone else as I move my hips, my hair swaying behind me. Bodies brush up from behind me as I moved around but I try my best to abstain myself away from them.

"Hey this isn't too bad," Maria yelled as she joined Brad and I on the dance floor followed by Tristan who was laughing - you could still hear his laugh over the deafening music. The night seemed to last forever, the four of us joking,dancing and jumping around in time with the music. That's when I quickly ran to find my drink and lost them...



Uneducated LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon