Chapter Nineteen.

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"You have a lot of explaining to do!" That was the first thing Maria said to me after she had dragged me into my dorm room.

"Where should I start?" I said anxiously as I watched Maria pace around the room, muttering to herself.

"The beginning!" She sighed in annoyance. "Your not going to tell me something horrible like you've slept with Tristan or something, or kissed him because he's been acting strange recently and you two have been quite close-"

"What? No!" I snorted with laughter at confusion. "Brad thought Connor and you think Tristan and I are getting together!"

"So it must be James?"

"No!" I continued to laugh loudly. "It's Brad-"

"Oh my god!" She screamed with excitement bouncing on the bed like an immature child.

"We may have kissed," I whispered in a quiet voice, my eyes looked at the carpet beneath my feet as I felt my lips upturn into a shy smile.


"More than once!"

"And now what?" She widen her eyes at me as she combed her fingers through the tangles of her hair."God you really like him, don't you?"

"A little bit," I bit my lip thoughtfully.

"I was right all along!" She grinned widely.

"Oh shut up!" I replied jokingly causing her to giggle.

"So what now for you two?"

"Well we're taking it slow, he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend but in half term we're going to dinner with his mum and sister whom I meet last night!"

"Meeting the parents! Geez you and Brad are going rapidly definitely not slow, next you'll be pregnant!"

"Shit Maria? Would you keep your voice down for gods sakes? The last thing I want is the whole school knowing. You weren't even suppose to know-" Maria scoffed, twirling a lock of her hair around her pinkie.

"Well I can't really keep quiet now," she deviously smile, I groaned ranking my fingers through my hair pulling at the roots as I tried to remember why I even told her - I knew she was going to blab. Taking a few deep breaths, i turned and looked back in her eyes. Trying to somehow communicate the whirlwind of emotions seeping in and out of everyone pore in my body, around my face, trough my eyes. All Maria did was smile at me."Let's watch a movie!" The subject suddenly changed. "I was thinking a little bit of a fairytale romance you know?" She rambled on as she searched through Chloe's collection of movies. "Ooh! The little mermaid!" I nodded in agreement taking a seat on the edge of the bed; twiddling with the pillow on my lap.

"Maria promise me one thing-" I breathed out.

"Yeah anything!"

"My relationship with Brad won't affect us, we won't let it will we?"

"Why would it anyway?" She laughed not understand my point.

"Well if Brad and I have a bad fall out, i don't want it to effect us,"

"It won't," she reassured me. "And I won't tell, anyway I was kind of hoping for a much larger secret. Anyone could of guessed you and Brad would finally get together!" She laughed. My jaw dropped a little bit in utter shock though couldn't help but giggle. "It's about damn time!"


Sorry this is like the worlds worst shortest chapter ever!! I'm extremely tired and have writers block but hopefully the next few chapters will be interesting (:

Hair is mentioned quite a lot in this chapter opps :(:

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