Chapter Thirty-Three.

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I stood in the shower, the boiling water cascading down my bare body and for a while I felt completely numb. It feels like everything has disappeared and none of this is happening.

"Are you nearly finished in there?" Brad asked concerned. "You've been in there almost an hour!"

"I'm nearly ready," I sighed deeply as I step out back into reality and im forced to acknowledge that soon I will be leaving the UK and back to LA. I stared coldly into the mirror, I could feel the girl I saw when I first moved the UK. The tired looking girl, worn out, fed up.

I needed to put on a brave face - for Brad.

I quickly dry my hair and threw on one of Brad's oversized t-shirt, letting it hang off my shoulders. I closed the bathroom door behind me to be reunited with Brad in his dorm room, after spending the whole journey back here in silence I assumed Brad had many questions to ask me. He stood on the opposite sides of the room wearing his grey jogger shorts and a white t-shirt. I glanced up making our eyes concert but I quickly looked away. I really couldn't look at him knowing I had to break this news to him.

"What did your father say?" Brad questioned, taking a deep breath I wandered closer towards him, settling myself down on the bed crossing my legs as he sat down next to me. My heat racing anticipation.

"Please hear me out first,"

"Okay," he mumbled as he blinked rapidly at me. I took a deep breath before allowing the words to escape my mouth.

"My father wants to take me back to LA, him and Mrs Nelson believe I've changed and it's time for me to go back to my real family. He's got everything planned from my plane tickets to the course I can take back home, to tell you the truth the course sounds wonderful it's been a dream of mine since, well forever to go there," I glanced up towards him. He was starting at the ground with clenched fists.

"So your just going to go?"

"I told my father I can't got, I want to stay here with the only people that have appreciated having me in their life's but he doesn't believe any of it. So I have to go-" I felt the guilt rush through my body and looked over to Brad. His eyes came into contact with my own and he spoke.

"It's your dream, and I don't want to stop you from achieving it!" I closed my eyes, blinking back my tears as Brad spoke. I couldn't cry in front of him; it was becoming too routine and j wanted to show him that i could be strong. "I'm going to miss you Maddy," he finally whispered calling me the nickname my mother always used to call me.

"I could scream and cry it might stop my father from taking me!"

"No, you have to go!" I looked at him in confusion.

"But I won't see you?"

"I know. But it's your dream!"

"I want my dream to include you though!" I closed my eyes again.

"Don't throw away this dream for me. I'm not worth it!"

"Don't say that Brad!"

"Then go and live your life! I will be here waiting for you and praying that everything works out well!"

"I just...I don't want this to the end of us."

"We always say, we can make this work!" He pulled me into a tight squeeze allowing me to rest my head on his shoulders.

Brad held out his hand awaiting for mine then once they touched a shiver was set all the way through my body causing us to both look up at each other. Suddenly the next thing I knew, my lips crashed onto his forcefully, my hands ran though his curls pulling him closer to me. Brad couldn't help but laugh through the kiss as he tried to reposition himself comfortably. He seemed slightly confused at first but then after a while became more passionate. Biting my bottom of my lip I let out a rather shaky breath moving my lips away from his as I arched my back. He began to place soft kisses down my neck and jaw line, sucking at the soft skin leaving a mark. Everything seemed to become fast lace until we were both leave in our underwear looking at each other.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered against my skin.

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