Chapter Twenty-two.

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Rubbing my eyes from sleep, I stretched like a feline before rolling around and getting comfy. A grin spread across my face as I saw Brad still fully asleep - curled up beside me. His ruffled brunette curls flushed over his face, his parted mouth breathing in slow and steady breaths - however little snores escaped his mouth.

"Bradley," I whispered twisting my fingertips through his curls. Shifting from his slumber, Brad yawned stretching his lean body before a groan emitted from his lips. Taking a startling deep breath, his hands moved to rub his face. He turned his head to my face - a lazy smile graced his face.

"Good morning beautiful!" I shrivelled inside. "Did you sleep well?"

"Very!" I squealed.

All I wanted to do was jump at him and snuggle close, letting the citation of his voice shock my skin digging deeper in his embrace.

"You lucky dear to have me!"

Reaching over to him, I grabbed the corner of the duvet and pulled it back down so that I could see his face again.

"What?" He chuckled deeply as he readjusted his positioning the blanket falls from his face to just below his chest. Holy shit! "Like what you see?" He wriggled his eyebrows. I felt my cheeks begin to fluster as he caught me staring at his bare chest. Well I didn't actually stare, I simply looked and he happened to be shirtless.


"Definitely as yes, that's what attracted to you to this bed," he turned back onto his side letting out a deep breath.

"You know fully well Brad, you was suppose to sleep on the floor," his hands covered his mouth. "You offered me the bed and I accepted, we made a deal you would sleep on the floor!"

"Okay, but wouldn't you rather wake up to this view instead of an empty bed and have me complaining about my sore back?"

"Tough choice," I laughed sarcastically.

"You should be grateful, I don't usually allow girls to share my bed unless they are called Tristan Evans!" Standing up I rolled my eyes and walked into the hotel bathroom to have a shower. Once I finished showering, I got out and dried myself then got dressed into a pair of black skinny jeans and a simple white cropped top.

"I was thinking we should grab something to eat before we head back to the school!" Brad suggested as I re entered the bedroom area, where he stood attempting to do his bed curls.

"Nandos?" My eyes lit up.

"I've got a better idea than that!" He smacked his lips together and smiled deviously.


Brad sighed in a great deal of relief after getting out of the cold car, the sun speaking through the fluffy clouds.

"Our first official date !" Brad said. A smile crept on my face, comfortable silence soon encoding over use.

He referred it to a date...

I stayed quiet, trying to contain my emotions and excitement, as we entered the red,green and white themed restaurant. Our hands tightly clasped together, at first sight a waiter came and escorted us to a booth. "Hope this is good enough for you!"

"It's too good for me," I whispered smiling. We looked at the menu, deciding on what we wanted to have before the waiter brought us over our drinks and took our orders. It was a relaxed atmosphere unlike last night, we sat there chatting about everything and anything until we are presented our food.

"There's nothing better than pizza!" Sigh barely left my lips as I whispered grabbing a slice of margarita. When the taste of cheese glided in my mouth, I moaned in delight.

"Oh I don't know!" Brad smirked raising his brow up. "I could think of a few big things you would enjoy!"

"Brad!" I gasped loudly almost knocking over my drink.


"Let's change the subject before anything else comes out of your mouth!"

"Madison, what's you're favourite animal?"

"That's a bit of a random question!" I furrowed my eyebrows at Brad on confusion.

"You said change the subject!"

"Probably an Elephant as they are an icon of temperance, patience, and chastity,"

"Not a dog lover then?"

"You didn't say you're favourite pet," I reminded him. A smile traced his face as he laid the pizza down on the plate.

"When I was younger, I had a dog!" Brad spoke softly. I crocked my head a little to the left, interest settling within me. He made a noise and gazed his chocolate brown eyes up o the ceiling, either trying to recall a memory or just in deep thought. "Her name was Jesse, my mum bought her for me actually. My relationship with Jesse was closer than any family member,"

"I was never allowed a pet,"

"it's been years since I saw her,"

"You'll see her again, I promise!"

"I thought she was going to be the only girl I loved in my entire life!" Brad chuckled underneath his breath as he slowly leant forward. "But then somebody else came along-"

"Who?" I blinked my eyes rapidly.


"Brad I-"

"Are we a thing?" He asked as a light flickered in his eyes. "I'd like for us to be,"

"Official?" It was quiet for a few moments before Brad's laughed, echoing in the atmosphere while my cheeks grew hotter.

"You are so obvious to everything!" I kicked my foot underneath the table and came into contact with his ankle earning a slight groan in pain from Brad.

"Charming," he scoffed. "I was going to ask you now but maybe I'll find another girl!"

"Pretty sure it's illegal to date animals!" I joked sarcastically.

"At least Jesse doesn't snore!"

"I don't snore!"

"We can't be a normal couple can we?" He kicked me back, probably a little sister than I did.

"Probably because we are uneducated in love?"


I apologise for the really bad chapter ): so I kinda guess Madison and Brad are officially boyfriend and girlfriend! I find their relationship quite cute because sometimes it's romantic then others it's insulting each other {in a joking way}

Anyway goodnight and I hope to see you all soon!

keep voting x

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