Chapter Twenty-Six.

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"Easy!" Brad puffed out, wiping the sweat off his forehead.

"Are you sure that's correct Brad?" I asked anxiously as I glanced from the instructions to the supposedly correctly made tent. Brad dusted off his jeans and looked at his work before biting his lower lip in embarrassment.

"I think we should re build it!" James suggested, walking up the the thing that Brad had just assembled. Lightly tapping the pole distorted tent fell into the sand with a effectively crush.

"Well, whilst you four build the tent we're going to leave you in peace!" Maria informed us as she grasped hold of Tristan's hand. "We're just going to walk around the area,"

"Slackers," Brad muttered as they wandered into the distant, hand in hand. "Why did we even suggest to go camping anyway?" He whined as he examined the piece of paper.

"Is someone jealous?" Connor teased Brad jokingly.

"No!" He snapped as he stabbed the metal sticks in the sand stabilising them with a few rocks, he looked up at me and showed a small smile.

"You'll find someone soon enough!" James reassured Brad. Taking a deep inhale, i closed my eyes and allowed the tension to leave my body. Exhaling I opened my eyes once again and smiled.

"Come on!" I said as I pushed myself up and dusted off my shorts. "We have to fix this unless you want to freeze tonight!"

It was a good hour we spent continuously groaning and moaning trying to make sense of the instructions. We successfully put up 3 separate tents before giving each other high fives. Maria and Tristan finally arrived back after their long walk happy to find out the tents were set up.

"That wasn't too bad!" Brad smiled at me as he dropped a blanket on the sand and laid down. His arms folded under his head staring up at the sky. "What's to eat? I'm starving!"

"Urm-" James grumbled anxiously.

"We could roast marshmallows?" Connor suggested smacking his lips together in delight.

Tristan and Maria got the fire starting, Connor went to collect more wood and James went to try and find the food he had packed.

"You okay there?" Brad questioned as we both sat along the sand in silence taking in everything.

"The beach, it reminds me of LA!" I sighed deeply. "Strangely, Im enjoying this more than LA!" With warm expression, he held out his arms inviting me into his comfortable presence. He held me tight, hugging me in a way that I couldn't describe to you in just words. It was everything I could've wanted and more.

"Madison-" he whispered pressing his lips gently against mine, it lasted a few seconds until I realised nobody was suppose to know about us.

"Eww!" I said pulling away. "I've got Brad germs now!" I tried to stifle my giggles as he looked at me in puzzlement.

"Hey! I don't have germs, I shower everyday!" He opened his mouth widely. I rolled my eyes at him, linking my arm through his as I rested my head against his shoulder. We remained silent, taking in the beauty that surrounded the both of us, feeling an element of peace and comfort.

"After school ends, will you go back to LA or stay here?" Brad gulped.

"Honestly I don't know!"

"Promise me, your decision will be yours only. It will have your own happiness at heart because your happiness is the main thing," he held out his pinky waiting for me to link my own finger with his.

"And what if my happiness is with you?"

"Then I'll be here for you!" With a small smile, I Interwinded them together making sure to stamp our thumbs straight away.

"BRAD! MADISON!" Tristan shouted from a distance, squinting my eyes I could make our four figures in the sea. The last thing I knew, I was perched up on Brad's shoulder as he rushed towards the water.

"Wrestle?" Maria smirked - now we was all in the water well apart from me clinging onto Brad.

"Tristan and Maria Vs Madison and Brad!" Connor chanted. "James and I will be the referee's!"

"We'll beat them!" Brad said cockily as he grabbed my thighs gently to steady me as I changed my position to be siting on his shoulders. Maria and Tristan appeared in front of us, ready for the game to begin. They looked relaxed, enjoying each others company whilst being a playful couple. James swam inbetween us, nodding at both teams before announcing the word "GO!" He stepped out of the way allowing Tristan and Brad to move closer together. I applied force As my hands finally met with Maria's however I struggled to push her off Tristan's shoulders. Maria seemed to be much stronger than I originally thought or maybe I was just weak.

"Come on Madison!" Brad encouraged me as his grip tightened. I gave every single body weight I had into pushing her off. Suddenly she lost balance crashing into the water.

"We did it!" I grinned happily as Maria resurfaced.

"I hate you!" She spluttered jokily at me.

"No you don't!" I smiled cheekily.

The sun started to go down as our game finally came to the end meaning we would have to set up to cook the marshmallows. I walked out of the sea and grabbed my towel.

"Too bad school starts soon," Brad sighed as I tried to tame my frizzy hair. "Living life freely is much better!"

"Only a month and a bit left!" I groaned and blew a strand of my hair that fell on my face.

"It's the reason we're together though!" He shook his head. "If you didn't nearly knock out a teacher we wouldn't be here right now!"

"I didn't nearly knock her out!" I giggled quietly. "And your right, I would have never ever thought that I would be standing on a beach in the UK with a British boy!" I smiled up at him.

"Better than those Americans!" Brad joked.

"Come on, we need to get back!" I nudges my head to where everyone else was siting.

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