Chapter Twenty.

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Today is the day Brad and I go to London for a night - and even though I had already met his mother and sister I was still nervous. I still wanted them to like me and actually to care about Brad. I had my suitcase packed full of things I would need for one night. The boys had gone back to their parents house's for the half term and Maria decided to go to Tristan's. Leaving Brad and I alone together for two weeks.

"Excited?" Brad smirked as I dragged my suitcase behind me. He was wearing his traditional black skinny jeans, checked burgundy shirt, circular sunglasses and his bowler hat. We had decided to meet by the entrance of the school so nobody would catch us together. We had a long journey to London therefore Brad had borrowed Tristan's car instead of us paying the huge fee to travel to London but train.

"Very," I squealed nervously. London was about a forty minute journey from the school. Pictures of London had made me full in love with the city - it was nowhere like anything in LA. From what I imagined it was big and always busy. The streets were crawling with street artist all playing music or showing off their strange talents. Not to mention the shopping which I secretly hoped Brad and I would able to do!

The drive seemed extremely long and unsurprisingly I fell asleep on the passenger seat listening to Brads playlist he had made specially for the journey.

"Sleepy head," I heard Brads voice chuckle causing my eyes to open up. "You slept the whole journey,"

"Did I? Sorry," I apologised.

"Don't apologise, it was cute!"

"You was watching me sleep?" I joked. "Stalker!"

"We all know that you are the stalker Miss Reyes!" Brad teased as she took the keys out of the ignition. "Creeping into my dorm room!"

"Actually from what I recall you invited me back, so don't try and use that one against me Bradley!" I smirked leaving Brad utterly speechless.

We entered the hotel collecting our key before dropping off our bags in our room. We had a few hours until the meal with Anne and Nat so Brad wanted to show me around London.

"Skateboarding?" Brad winked clutching his board underneath his armpit.

"I've never tried it before!" I pre warned Brad. "What if I fall off? I don't want to go out for dinner with a huge bruise on my leg!"

"You won't, I'll help you! C'mon on you'll be able to tell all your LA friends that you've been skateboarding along the river Thames with a fit british boy!"

"Fit?" I mocked Brad.

"Wouldn't you say so?" He raised his eyebrow smirking in my direction. Instead of answering I grasped hold of his hand practically dragging him out of the hotel and started to head towards the river Thames.

"I already know this is going to end badly!" I assumed as we found a quiet spot where Brad could easily teach me how to skateboard.

"Take my hand, don't be scared!" He reassured me. I balanced on the board clutching hold of both of Brad's hands as he wheeled me along slowly - however I still made the board wobble around, not like that made Brad give up trying.

"Brad I can't do this," I giggled as the speed of the skateboard increased, I could feel the wind gush through my hair as I squeezed on tighter to his hand.

"On the count of three im going to let go!" He explained to me."One...two...three..." On queue Brad let go of my hands and stood watching me go off myself. At first I had a slight bit of confidence then suddenly moments later I felt the board slip from under me leaving me to crash onto the ground. "Madison are you okay?"

"Just a few scratches!" I giggled helpless as I brushed my hands together. From a distance Brad jogged towards me with a concerned look across his face. "That was fun!"

"I'm so sorry-" he apologised sympathetically.

"I'm absolutely fine!" I hiccuped with laughter. "And why are you apologising? It's not your fault!" Crouching down beside me brads curls flopped across his forehead, I couldn't help but smile. Brad smiled back at me causing a deep dimple to sink in one of his cheeks. I snuggled my way into his reach, burying my face into his chest. He smelt of a strange combination of aftershave and ninth freshness however somehow it just naturally blended together. His grasp was soft, yet I felt protected in his arms. It was like nobody could hurt me, even if they really wanted to.

"Should we go for a walk? I can show you the sights?"

"If there's no skateboard involved!"

"No skateboard!"

"Yes," I replied with a muffled voice. "I think that would be lovely!" With a sudden surge of confidence, I linked my arm through his and with a glow on my face as I happily walked beside Brad.

It felt like we had been walking around for ages - Brad pretending he was a professional tour guide trying to give me the history of London. It was a memorable afternoon.

As we strolled back to the hotel I let my eyes drift around the scenery that stood in front of me. A pink cherry blossom tree stood in the centre of an unfamiliar natural landscape.

"Can we stop for a moment and sit down?" I asked Brad.

"Of course, anything wrong?" The question had caught me off guard. I felt like I was in a little world of my own. Thinking about the never-ending tangled thoughts and emotions in my mind.

"I feel like I hardly know any of your childhood," I admitted truthfully as we settled on the freshly cut grass underneath the blossom tree.

"Well in year four I convinced my friends that I was a ninja!" Brad smirked smugly as he chuckled mischievously.

"That must of been really stupid for believing that!"

"They were! I remember this one time we all tried to eat a snail shell each, I thought it would taste like a hard sweet," he stopped smacking his lips together tightly.

"I miss being a kid. I miss the innocence and the freedom!"

"Things just change but it doesn't stop you making new memories!" I smiled at him friendly and passed over my phone some could capture a picture of us two siting together underneath the blossom tree. Brad studied the picture for a long while before speaking a word.

"This picture is a keeper!" He finally said.

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