Chapter Twenty-Four.

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It had been four days since Tristan and Maria's 'fall out'. Despite Tristan best efforts and my advice to Maria to actually speak to him - it hadn't worked out. It was a rare occasion when we was all together and even then instead of talking to each other Maria would try to maintain a conversation with anyone apart from Tristan whilst he tried to join in.

"See you tonight then!" Tristan grumbled as he trudged out of the cafeteria.

"I hate seeing him like that," Brad frowned as he ran his hand freely through his curls. "I thought Maria was the one!"

"She was the one!" I added.

"I really wish they'd kiss and makeup," James sighed deeply as Tristan wandered off saying he needed time by himself.

"Have they even spoken yet?" Connor asked clueless.

"Don't think so," i shook my head tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. "She promised me she would try and sort things out but nothing yet-"

"She doesn't realise how heartbroken Tristan actually is!" James sighed in defeat. "I honestly don't think Tristan would kiss another girl!"

"Has he even told anyone what actually happened?"

"Nope!" Brad shook his head sadly. "They need to at least try, it's not just effecting them but us as well!"

"I'm going to check on Maria, talk some sense into her!" I decided.

"I'll come with you," Brad offered practically jumping to his feet. We leave the cafeteria and took the long walk to Maria's dorm room. Brad guided me along pressing his palm firmly on my lower back, rubbing his thumbs softly in a circular motion.

"Can we talk first?" Brad suddenly stopped in the middle of the empty hallway.

"What's wrong?" I swallowed. He took my hand and grasped it instantly. The tingling sensation traveled up my arm and spreader through my body.

"Nothing," he chuckled at my worried expression. "What I want to speak to you about is Maria and Tristan-"

"Is that what every topic is going to include now?"

"No, i hate seeing my best friend upset,"

"I'm trying my hardest with her," I sighed deeply. "She's so stubborn and I hate seeing her upset too," I added the last bit quietly.

"I know, I know!" Brad agreed. "That's why the boys and I have came up with the greatest plan!"

"And that is?"

"Well Maria and Tristan both love to go late night swimming secretly in the school pool,"

"Isn't it locked though?"

"Connor has the spare key!" He smiled mischievously. "Anyway, all you have to say to Maria is that you and me are going to the pool. Say that she has to come along and that Tristan is not coming!"

"And what about Tristan? He's going to be there!"

"Exactly, that's how we're going to get them to speak!" He winked. "Pretty cool plan right?"

"Cool if it works!"

"Have faith in me Miss Reyes!" He whispered as cupped the back of my neck and kissed me deeply,gently and passionately in his touch. My fingers twined in his hair, I moved away slightly so he had better access. Softly he moved his lips to my jaw and gently began sucking at my collar bone until I pulled away sharply.

"Everyone will see this," I gasped looking at my neck shyly. He took my hands and entwined his fingers in mine, pulling me closer.

"Sometimes this secret sucks,"

"It's not the time to tell though, not now!"


Pressing my fist against the wooden door, I tapped over and over again until I heard a noise behind the door. With a hasty pull, the door swung open revealing a blotchy eye, hair tangled designed as a birds nest with cold fingers Maria.

"Madison," she whispered as her voice cracked a little towards the end.

"How are you feeling?" I questioned anxiously as I stepped into her dorm room. It was different to usual; for one thing you couldn't find the floor. It was covered with layers of clothes, shoes and... Is that pizza?

"Absolutely fine," sadness filled her eyes as she instantly flopped her body against mine and cried into my shoulder. I whispered all those bittersweet lies of how "it's going to be fine," "you'll be okay" and let's big forget the usual "everything is okay".

"I feel like someone has ran me over with a truck," Maria commented; I sighed at her humour and pressed my thumb underneath her eye, wiping away the stained tears. "Chocolate?" She suggested, slightly giggling in response she wandered over to her bedside cabinet producing two packets of the delicious treat - she handed me a bar. I groaned loudly unwrapping the wrapper of the chocolate and gobbled the sweet continent. The room was silence as Maria gave me a small smile - inside my brain their was a nagging voice telling me to tell her about Brad's plan.

"Hey, the boys are going for a late night swim tonight-" I anxiously announced. "They were wondering if we wanted to go?"

"What with Tristan there flaunting about his new girl?" She snorted with laughter. "No thanks!"

"No he's not going to be there," I shook my head rapidly. "C'mon please, don't leave me with three boys!"

"I have been missing the others," she admitted softly. "This break up has kinda ruined my friendship with them which I hate so I'll come!"

"It's a break up?" I gulped.

"Well I told Tristan it was over," she muttered as a little lumped formed in the back of my throat. Tristan and Maria were that couple that would literally do anything for each other. It angered me that Tristan gave it all up of a simple kiss of another girl, especially after she'd expressed how much Maria supposedly meant to him. "Apparently I was Tristan's first and real relationship that he had been in and that just makes me happy!" She said with a growing grin on her face as she stated off into the distance. "Mine too, I was a shy and vulnerable girl when I first met him-"


Another little chapter before move drama! GO DRAMA CLUB!

speaking about drama, I go back to school tomorrow, fun times! Note the sarcasm... );

I don't know when I'll be able to upload but hopefully soon. Might have to skip revision like I usually do opps.

ANYWAY :D I just noticed this fanfic has nearly 300 views that's CRAZY!

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