Chapter Thirteen.

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The day's flew by and I found myself getting swamped by school work, it seemed that not paying attention in class back in America made me extremely behind over in England. It didn't bother me anymore that i hadn't seen my friends from America. I had been so swamped with trying to finish my English coursework that I had completely forgotten about the school talent show. Instead of getting ready I was unfortunately stuck in the freezing cold library instead.

"Stupid ass hole!" I smashed my hands against the computer keyboard. I resisted the very strong urge to just give up and throw it out the widow - Mrs Nelson wouldn't be very pleased if I destroyed the school computer.

"Madison-" I quickly glanced behind me, my eyes widening guilty at the fact that I had been caught arguing with a stupid computer. "Are you arguing with the computer?" Connor chuckled stepping from the doorway and into the empty library.

"'Maybe!" I said in embarrassment as my cheeks flushed. "I'm not very good at technology!"

"I can see that," he said widening his eyes at the blank computer screen. "Are you sure you've turned it on?"

"Connor! I'm not a complete idiot-" before I could finish my sentence Connor pressed a button which automatically made the computer light up. "Well I didn't know it was that button,"

"It's okay, I won't tell anyone you don't know how to turn on a computer," he lightly joked as I rolled my eyes at him. "How comes you are in here?"

"I've got all this to finish," I groaned running my hand through my hair stressfully. "Nobody told me leaving coursework to the last minute would be this stressful,"

"So I guess your not coming to the talent show tonight?" He questioned, his voice sounding a little disappointed.

"I was planning to get all this finish-"

"So I take it as a no?" He scrunched up his face scratching his nose.

"I'm sorry," I apologised sympathetically. "I know you'll do amazing though without me,"

"You don't have to apologise to me, I think a certain boy will be more upset that you won't be there,"

"What James and Tristan?" I laughed loudly.

"No Brad," he whispered. "He has non stopped talking about this performance and how you've given him the confidence boost he's always needed. He'll be devastated that you won't be there-"

"He'll be fine, I only said a few words-"

"Madison he likes you a lot," Connor chuckles placing his hands over my lips to stop me from talking. "I know Maria has probably said this to you but it's pretty obvious that you like each other!"

"Connor aren't we a bit old for the stupid crushes seriously? That's like middle school,"

"Primary school," he corrected me the British way. "And no, it's not really a crush if you have devolving feelings toward each other!"

"I like Brad and everything, but it would be embarrassing to find out if he didn't like me back," I lightly laughed. "It's better just to remain friends!"

"And ruin the chance of a beautiful relationship!"

"When did you become Mr Cupid?" I teased him.

"Oi," he ruffled my hair as he took the empty seat opposite me. "Seriously though, try things. I'm pretty Maria has had a word with you,"

"Yes," i grunted.

"See!" His grins widens as he becomes very smug with himself. "I've known Brad for years and I've never seen him like this with a girl before. He likes you more than you think but is too shy to admit his feelings, it seems like you'll have to make the first move,"

"That's already happened," I mumbled quietly however Connors head shot up as his eyes glared at me, a smug smile forming on his face.

"Is there something you aren't telling me?"

"It's not big," i shirked my shoulders trying to avoid telling him. "Brad and I may have kissed.."

"Kissed!" He practically screamed throwing his hands into the open air. "This gets better and better. What next? What happened? What did you say?"

"It was just the two of us and we was talking then it unexpectedly happened," I bit my lower lip hardly as I shut my eyes shut. "I haven't spoken to him since,"

"When did this happen?"

"Last week," I squeaked quietly. "I guess he's trying to ignore me now,"

"No definitely not," Connor protested. "We've just been busy with the band and school things, he's been in an extremely good mood and now I know why," he winked cheekily.

"Oh shut up!" I opened up my arms allowing to tightly squeeze Connor - he seemed like a brother to me who I could easily talk to despite being the shy one of the group.

"Thank you for making my best friend happy," he whispered in my ear. Suddenly there was a knock at the door causing me to jump back. Connor jumped to his feet as the lights flicked on turning the room ominous with colours. My face flustered - to say I'm embarrassed is an understatement.

"Oh shit sorry," a brummie voice apologised. "I didn't know you two were here alone," my eyes focus on Brad. He wore an open up burgundy shirt which he rolled up to his elbows, his signature black skinny jeans and a burgundy matching bandanna in his hair. Connor oblivious to the tension forming gave Brad one of those high-five-punch thingies before he gently nudged passed Brad.

"Look I better get going, see you!" Connor shrugged then jogs out of the room. The room was left in utter silence as Brad blankly stared at me.

"So you and Connor?"

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