Chapter Twenty-Three.

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The evening sky painted streaks of blue and pink as Brad sadly drove us back to school grounds. The sun began to drown in the horizons its rays of light gleaming in the darkness.

"I hope we can do this again soon," Brad spoke softly capturing my attention.

"We will," i reassured him, slipping my hand into his as we slowly wandered back to his empty dorm room - where we could spend the rest of the evening together.

"Madison..." His voice broke slightly as he said my name. "We've moved this relationship on pretty quick but-" he wrapped his arms around me, I closed my eyes taking in his presence. "I love you,"

"I love you too!" I lifted my head off his chest and looked him in the eye, he looked straight back at me with a grin across his face.

"I think Connor has a couple secret packets of percey pigs back in the room," Brad spoke wriggling his eyebrows. "Wanna eat them all?"

"Oh bradley you know me so well!" I quietly laughed as we carried on walking down the empty corridors until we came to a hault.

"MARIA, OPEN UP PLEASE!" Tristan slammed his fist against the wooden door. "IT WASNT WHAT IT LOOKED!"

"Tris?" Brad called out before jogging to comfort his best friend. "What's going on mate?"

"It's Maria," Tristan spoke softly collapsing to the ground covering his face with his hands. "She won't talk to me, she won't look at me, she won't-"

"What has happened with you two?" Brad questioned. "You seemed fine before you, aren't you suppose to be at your parents house?"

"Yesterday, I took her to one of my friends party and she got the wrong impression of me and this girl. Now she thinks I kissed her because I liked this girl," he sighed deeply. "Which is wrong, I would of rather been with you!" He raised his voice again.

"Oh mate!" Brad huffed wrapping his arm around Tristan's neck. "Madison you try speaking to her-" nodding in response I stood infront of the door.

"Maria? It's Madison. Are you okay?"

"As you can see," Tristan interrupted. "She's perfectly fine!" I ignored him and continued calling out Maria's name, I could hear Brad trying to calm down Tristan. I looked over my shoulder and sympathetically smiled at them two hugging. Despite being quite a hard person who shows no sign of any emotion, I realised how small and weak Tristan really is without Maria. His relationship with Maria must mean a lot and if that's the case, Maria may be feeling the same way.

"Maria, open up and talk to me," I spoke once again.

"We're going to get some air, try and get through to her please," brad whispered before looking at Tristan. "C'mon mate, a quick game of football to cheer you up,"

"Maria, open the door, please!"

"Go away!" Maria cried.

"Sure, because a friend would totally walk away at a time like this!" Silence she didn't answer. "In not going, I know what's it's like to shut everyone out wanting to keep all of your feelings to yourself. But trust me; talking about it really helps a lot!"

"I don't feel like talking. Please, just go!" She responded back.

"No Maria, I'm not going away!" I said firmly. "I know something has gone on between you and Tristan. I now that he's hurt you one way or another, I don't expect you to tell me the story but im here for you Maria!"

"Is he still there?" She said in a tiny voice.

"No, him and Brad have gone to get air to allow us two to talk!"

"Just you?"

"Just me," slowly the door unlatched revealing a red-eye, messy hair Maria. Her nose is pink and her skin has tear stains running down her cheeks.

"I love him," a tear suddenly filled her eye. Her running mascara expands on her cheeks. One hand against the door and the other covering her eyes, she shoulders shake - breaking down. Reaching out my arms, she pressed her body against mine. From day one, she's been so kind and open towards me. It's hard to think a smile like hers can hide the pain inside her.

"And he loves you too," I hushed her. "Come on now, you're stronger than this!" I whispered encouraging words in her ear causing her to cry louder.

"No he doesn't," she sniffed. "Last night he took me to this party where it was full of his old friends. There was this girl, she seemed to like him a lot and gave him all her attention. Throwing herself on him, whispering in his ear and kissing him neck slightly. I had enough so I stormed out without him. Tristan didn't say anything; he didn't come after me; he simply let me go without a goodbye," she suddenly stopped. "Then when I returned back to the party, i saw him and her tucked away in a corner kissing!"

"Oh Maria!"

"I felt so mad, so used and stupid-" she bit her lower lip. "I jumped at her!"
I couldn't help myself but laugh even though it's terrible. Even Maria was smiling slightly. "I went straight over to them and slapped Tristan across the face. I think he was more stunned than hurt. I told him it was over and left. He tried to get me to listen to him but I ignored him!" She turned her head away from me. "I'm trying hard not to love him!"

"But you do," I slowly rubbed her shoulder. A hand gently touched my own, with tears in her eyes Maria smiles.

"I'm just thankful I've got you," I squeezed her hand. I never really had friends before; at least, not ones that I can actually trust like Maria. "I just don't know what to do, do I stay at this school or go home? Do I speak to Tristan or carry on ignoring him?"

"You can't ignore him forever!" I reminded her. "Leave it for tonight; get some sleep and tomorrow morning speak to him but only when you have calmed down,"



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