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hi guys,

first of all I'm so sorry this isn't an official chapter upload I haven't wrote anything next just yet but I will don't worry! For the last few weeks I've noticed my chapters have gotten a bit boring and not interesting to read, I'm deeply sorry if you are finding this Fanficiton boring ive had terrible writers block then I feel bad that I haven't uploaded.

I've only got a week left at school then I'm on my school holidays so I will be able to upload properly making the chapters more fun. I haven't decided on an ending yet meaning there is loads more chapters to come.

Sorry again for the lack of updates and boring chapters, school is my main priority but during summer I will focus on this fanficiton and maybe start a new one??

Please keep voting,commenting and don't forget to share with your friends☺️💗

Comment your favourite chapter so far and I'll pick one lucky winner for a prize (:

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