{9.} Twin Flame >>

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I threw my bag at Pike and he gasped dramatically

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I threw my bag at Pike and he gasped dramatically.

"How very rude of you Remi. I've never been so very unimpressed." He put his hand over his heart.

"Oh shut up you, twat." I scoffed.

"Would you two stop being children for one mission please?" Aaron pleaded.

"Yes, Dad." Pike and I said at the same time. I turned to Pike and we bursted into laughter.

"Shotgun!" We both said at the same time yet again.

"Remira, gets the front." Aaron pointed at me then to the car.

"Ahah!" I put my arms up and got into the car. I was about to connect my phone when Aaron stopped me.

"No. You lost aux privileges." Aaron pulled his phone out and hooked it to his car. I groaned and threw my head back.

"You play a, Justin Bieber song once and your branded for life." I threw my hands up and smacked them back down on my thighs.

Aaron had on sunglasses and he genuinely looked very hot right now. Shut up. Also the song he just started playing is giving me the urge to jump onto his lap. I hate people but he's alright, so is Pike and Gia.

I couldn't help but stare at him, he has a gorgeous side profile. His jawline is a little to sharp for my liking. His nose is perfect. His hair is messy but it always looks so soft. Aaron caught my attention and turned to me a small smile splayed on his lips. I turned away and looked at the road.

I twisted the ring on my finger and the car fell into a comforting silence. For me at least. Apparently Pike felt differently.

"Jesus, fucking christ I can cut the tension between you two with a toothpick." He groaned.



This mission we don't have to go on plane for. It was just an hour long car ride that was very agonizing due to Pike talking about Aaron and I having thick sexual tension. And he's really not wrong either.

I threw my bag onto a random bed when Pike stormed into the room.

"There's only two rooms. You and Aaron are sharing one." He smirked and slammed the door.

Three minutes later it was pushed open lightly and a bag landed next to mine. I looked up and stared at Aaron blankly. I looked back down at my bag and grabbed a change of clothes. I stepped into the bathroom and shut the door. I laid out all my clothes and stripped.

"Remira?" A knock fell on the door.

"Yeah?" I called.

"Your phone is ringing." Aaron replied.

"Just sent it to voicemail, it's probably a spam call." I sighed. I put on a bra and panties when the bathroom door opened. Aaron stood in the doorway and handed me my phone.

"Sh- sorry." I grabbed my phone and waved him off. He left the bathroom and I looked down at my phone.

It's her.

I called her back and the phone was picked up almost immediately.

"Remira?" Her sweet voice rang though my ears. "Baby, are you there? Can you hear me?" She asked sounding panicked.

"Yeah. I'm here." I smiled, tears started to spring in my eyes and placed my phone on speaker slipping into a bodysuit.

"I thought- aren't you supposed to be in prison?" She asked.

"I am." I concluded slipping on a harness that was a corset of sorts as well.

I hopped into jeans and held my phone back to my ear. I walked out of the bathroom and sat on the bed.

"What the hell happens to you?" Her voice sounded shaky.

"Well, I was put into prison for killing twelve people but I'm sure you already heard that, Tia Izabella." I rubbed my forehead.

"I'm so sorry, I should have been there to help you but your dad one the custody battle and I knew I couldn't fight it so I-" She rambled before I cut her off.

"I understand, Tia. Look I have to go but we'll talk later, yeah?" I sighed.

"I- yes of course." With that I hung up and threw my phone down onto the bed falling back.

"And who was that?" A deep voice rang through the room.

"I'd rather lick a cheese grater than explain to you who that was." I stared blankly staring at the ceiling. Aaron sat down next to me and laid down.

"You must do this a lot." He said calmly. "Stare at nothing waiting for something to happen?" He clarified.

"Yeah. I kind of hate how you understand what it's like inside my head. It's like you're my twin flame or some shit." I scoffed.

"Hm." He hummed deeply. "Maybe I am." Aaron turned his head and I did the same locking eyes with him.

"Maybe you are." I whispered. "I don't like that you and your daughter are digging into my soul. You don't know it yet but you've already broken down every wall I've ever built up." I mumbled.

"Took the words right out of my mouth, Déesse." He smiled.

"If you keep calling me that maybe I'll come up with a nickname in Spanish." I huffed. "Mi vida." I whispered with a nod. "I like that one." I smiled.

"Tu es très belle." He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "Très belle." Aaron whispered.

"I like this. Talking to each other in separate languages while the other person has no idea what's being said." I turned my whole body towards him.

"No me gustas ahora mismo porque me haces sentir cosas que me asustan." I spoke freely.

"Translation?" He rasped.

I shook my head.

"Two can play it." He narrowed his eyes on my face.

"Je pense que je commence vraiment à t'apprécier, et je n'aime pas la façon dont tu aimes ma fille et que tu la chéris quand sa propre mère ne l'aime pas." Aaron said softly.

"Yes. I just came to the conclusion that I really like this. Confessions when the other doesn't know what's being confessed." I nodded.

"Who said mine was a confession?" He asked.

"Just a small assumption." I shrugged.

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