{7.} Dances >>

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I rested my arms lazily around Aaron's shoulders and his hands were placed on my hips. I despise physical touch but this isn't so bad. I turned towards the bar and saw Pike leaving, my phone buzzed and I pulled it out of my bra.

'Don't go the the penthouse for a little while. Iykyk.'

"Gross." I mumbled placing my phone under my skirt next to my knifes.

I placed my arms back around Aaron's neck and smiled. His lips twitched a little. He didn't smile, I'm starting to notice he only does when he's around Gia.

"What was Gia like when she was a baby?" I asked. "Sorry if that was personal." I sighed.

"No, no, it's really okay. I just don't talk about her to many people." Aaron explained.

"She was just like me when I was little. My mother helped me raise her and so did Pike." He lit up as he talked about his daughter. "It's really interesting growing up with a child you have to raise. I got her when I was only twenty-one, I was still learning myself." Aaron sounded a little sad about that.

I understand, he didn't have time to party or sleep with girls anymore he had to grow up fast and become a father even faster.

"She's a remarkable kid, and you are quite the father Aaron." I fixed the collar of his shirt.

"I appreciate that." The corner of his lip tipped into a lopsided smile.

"She really is amazing, she's so incredibly smart." I smiled. I love that little girl.

"I think so too." He nodded.

I turned away from his face when I felt a cold presence near me. I looked around and stilled, Aaron noticed and followed my path of vision. My eyes were locked on ones of a cold blooded bastard. My brother.

Before I could think and before I could lock eyes with my brother I turned back and so did Aaron. I kissed him without thinking. I needed a way to hide my face.

We were both extremely tense and it's probably the worst kiss I've ever had. We just stood there. I kept my lips on his and I walked us away from the floor. I let go of him and we were now in a hallway.

"I am so sorry." I let go of him completely. "I don't know why that was my first instinct when I needed to hide my face." I gripped my forehead.

"It's okay, I don't care really. I would have probably done the same thing if I were you." Aaron tried to act calm but he was extremely tense. "Who was that guy? He looked like me when I'm interrogating someone." He changed the subject.

"That's uh- my brother." I scratched the back of my neck.

"Your file didn't say you had any siblings." He scrunched his perfect eyebrows.

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