{6.} Sarcasm >>

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I fell into the bed and sighed

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I fell into the bed and sighed. I have exactly three hours till we leave for this stupid assignment. I don't even know what it's for, something about a file or some shit I don't know I should really start paying attention when Aaron forces me and Pike into a briefing. Something tells me this will be like this for a while.

I got off the bed and opened my bag shuffling through it. I looked at the clothes I packed and grabbed the 'dress' I'm wearing tonight. I say dress with air quotes because it's the most revealing and tight tress I've ever seen let alone worn. But there is a black train that is attached to the back closing in my legs.

I slipped into the bathroom and brought all the brand new makeup I bought with me. I opened the stupid plastic on all the makeup and began the process. I haven't touched makeup in years. And let me tell you so, so much has changed.


I slipped the dress on and checked myself out in the mirror. I had to cover all my tattoos according to Aaron because where were going I have to look 'classy' and less 'edgy teenager' whatever that means.

I look amazing but I miss my tattoos. I finished curling my hair and put on my heels. I grabbed my phone and stashed a few knifes under the dress. My bedroom door was thrown open and Aaron stepped in. Holy shit.

Aaron was wearing an all black suit with no tie and the dress shirt had the first few buttons undone revealing edges of his tattoos and a silver chain. His fingers were covered in rings and his hair was gelled with a few curls loose around his face. He looked like a Greek god. Fuckin' hell I think he is.

He scanned me up and down. I tore my eyes away pulling my dress back down and looked up at him again.

"So, do I look less edgy teen and more classy goddess?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Yes." He answered almost immediately.

"Alright then, let's go shall we." I walked past him and into the living area. Pike was standing there. He whistled at me and I spun around.

"Okay, mammas I see you." He nodded wrapping his arm around my shoulder. We left the penthouse and took the elevator to the garage.

"Do you fancy me Pikey?" I raised a brow.

"Of course Remi, my darling." He kissed my temple and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Remira you ride alone. We have to act like we don't know each other. You spy and later on I'll come up to you and ask for a dance." Aaron explained throwing me the keys, I shot my arm up and caught them.

2022 Lamborghini Aventador, only one of the sexiest cars on the market right now. I smirked so myself and walked away from the guys to the car.

"A dance?" Pike asked.

"Why not have some fun while we're there right?" Aaron spoke. So it's not apart of the plan? He just wants to dance with me?

I unlocked the car and got in. I learned to drive at a very young age. This will be a cake walk. I turned on the car and the engine made the most amazing sound I've ever heard.

"Oh I'm so in love with this car." I mumbled to myself. I hooked my phone to the speakers and started blaring Paramore 'tell me it's okay'.

I pulled out of the spot and saw the other car right behind me. The streets were completely empty so naturally at a stop light when the guys were beside me I grabbed my phone and texted Aaron who was driving.

'you game?'

It sent through and I watched as he picked up his phone. He turned his head and the smirk on his face said it all. He still typed a response.

'You're so on, déesse.'

I smirked and turned to the road. My heart was drumming in my ears and I turned my music all the way up.


The light turned green and I stepped on it. The streets were completely empty so this was easy. I changed gears and the car made all the perfect sounds. This car is what I want in a man. Sexy and god like.

So far I was ahead of Aaron and Pike. I wouldn't underestimate them though. Right as I thought that they passed me, right as they did Aaron shot me a wink. Something fluttered through me and it only made me want to go faster.

I switched gears again and only pushed harder on the gas. I stepped on it all the way and watched the car speed up. I passed the boys and switched lanes. I know where we're going so if I do this it doesn't matter.

I went down a street I didn't have to go on and went a street opposite to them so I couldn't be seen. I didn't have to see them to know I was winning. I went down another street and drove at least two blocks ahead of them.

I kept driving until I ended up parking outside the hotel the party was at. I got out of the car and grabbed my phone walking in. I was told not to wait for them so that's exactly what I'm doing. Not waiting.

I walked into the hotel and the entrance was packed. I held my head high like I belonged. I walked into the ballroom and took a seat at the bar and ordered a drink. I stuck my coms on my ear and waited for someone to say something.

"Are you there?" I heard Pike speak.

"Mhm." I hummed taking a sip of my drink.

"I don't like that you can drive faster than me." Aaron grumbled.

I just hummed again, I can't talk to myself at a fancy bar I mean I would at a normal bar but that's the difference.


After a while I walked around and talked to few people. I used my middle name when I introduced myself. I can't just act stiff and shit. I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw Aaron. He held out his hand and I took it.

"May I have this dance?" He kissed my hand.

"Why not." I shrugged and followed him to the floor.

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