I couldn't help but roll my eyes slightly, "I don't, usually. This suit is a few years old, I was slightly smaller then. You can loosen my corset all you want tonight, but for today I need it like this." I walked up to him, playfully tugging at his tie and letting my fingers dance along his collar. "Besides, at least I don't have to worry about choking if I let my head hang."

Will actually looked affronted, "I'll have you know, I do not have my collars starched that much." But he chuckled, kissed my fingers, and lifted the valise into his arms. A cab had been arranged to meet us, and we were shortly driving down the slightly crowded streets to the docks. It was a little odd to see the crowd heading for the White Star docks, and some of them holding cameras and having the overly alert look of reporters. Will slunk back into his seat, "They must think they have to photograph every ship as she leaves, just in case something happens."

I leaned back with him, "I told you Will, vultures, all of them." The cab dropped us off somewhat far from the dock, and we made our way through the crowd. The elevated gangplanks of the Oceanic were nothing compared to what I had used the last time I had left Southampton, but it was still a relief to get out of the crowd. The first class passengers were lesser as well, the line to board rather short. I couldn't help but smile seeing the small gap between the gangplank and the ship. "Will you catch me if I trip again?"

Will wormed his hand around mine, "I'll always catch you." Together we made our way up to the steward, Will handing over our tickets.

The steward had a smirk as he glanced at the ticket, "B-4, right up the stairs. You shouldn't be able to miss it Mr. Murdoch, Miss Dalian." I couldn't help but blanch as he said our names, even as Will swept me up the stairs. The Oceanic was not as luxurious as the Titanic had been, but our cabin was still comfortable, with a large bed and a private lavatory attached.

Will set the valise aside, sitting on the bed. "Well, we're on our way. I thought you might prefer a cabin higher up, this is the best I could get. Did you get that wire off to your mother yesterday?"

"Yes, I did." I looked out the porthole, seeing the crowds on the dock. "Did you give them our actual names?"

"No, I booked us as Mr. and Mrs. Green." Will came over to the porthole, leaning over and kissing my cheek. "Why?"

"You didn't notice the steward called us by our actual names?"

He drew back, "Damn, I didn't. Perhaps he just served on a ship I was on and knew me from there. The passenger manifest won't identify us, we should be fine." I drew my hands up to my face, trying to breathe in and calm myself. The odds of reporters being on was low, very low. And even if it got out that Will and I were traveling as a couple before being married, well, it wasn't as if an engaged couple hadn't traveled that way before. But they had chaperones with them, and oh God. Will pulled me back to him, "Ana, relax. It's nothing. And think, we could just stay in the cabin the whole trip. No one would be able to identify us then."

I chuckled, "As if Charles wouldn't have you dragged out on deck if he doesn't see you today."

"Charles might drag me into the bridge for all I know." Will pressed a kiss to my hair, "Have you calmed down?"

"Yes, yes." I shook my head, "Now, what should I wear with the suit to dinner? I was thinking my pearls."

"Ana, you didn't bring any jewelry with you." He took my hand, placing it in the crook of his arm. "Besides, that hat is more than enough. Now, let's go up and watch." I had worn what I had taken to calling my forget-me-not hat, with Ada's hatpin, and the feather danced in the breeze as Will and I gained the boat deck.

I looked to him as the tugs pulled the Oceanic away from the pier, the sea breeze ruffling his short hair. "Does it feel different, to not be working when we're leaving the dock?"

Cold All the Way Through, But WarmingWhere stories live. Discover now