How often each Madrigal curses

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This isn't an x reader but-

Don't read this if you don't like curse words lol


-She doesn't curse at all

-She often has to say "language" to her family members


-She doesn't curse, either, and doesn't like to

-But she honestly couldn't care less if you curse

-She's pretty chill with it as long as you don't curse with every other sentence


-She swears a lot, actually

-Mostly when she's with her siblings or Félix, because there's no way in hell she's gonna let Antonio hear curse words

-She mostly uses words like "bitch" or "damn", but she'll drop an f-bomb if she gets upset enough


-He doesn't swear around other people

-But when he's by himself, or with someone he really trusts, he lets loose

-He's not exactly a sailor mouth, but when he mumbling to himself, you can hear snippets of "ass", "hell", or "oh shit"

-With a life like his, can you blame him?


-Like Bruno, she controls herself when she's in the public eye

-But after the village and Alma leaves, she stops watching her language as much

-She uses "bitch" as an affectionate term, especially with her sisters, but otherwise she's clean

-However, if she gets upset, like really upset, watch out

-"What the fuck did you say to my sister you little motherfucking cunt asshole I will shove a cactus up your ass"


-You wouldn't think she curses a lot

-And you're right

-But if she accidentally slips a secret she's not supposed to, she'll very quietly whisper "oh hell"

-She doesn't usually go as far as that


-She doesn't curse at all

-Not even a little

-She's unaffected when other people do


-He shouldn't be allowed to be around Antonio what with how much he curses

-"Hey there bitches, it's me, ya boi, back for another round of: How fucked up is my family?"

-He mostly curses just for memes


-Mirabel technically curses in canon, or at least tries to

-"She's the one with roses coming out of her (ass)"

-Y'all know she's called Isabela a bitch behind her back before


-He's a five year-old-child.

-He's clean as a whistle.


-He's more chill when it comes to swearing

-He usually avoids it, but if he gets upset he'll lean more towards the "hell" or "damn" side

-Once he said "Yas bitch" in a totally monotone voice


-He doesn't usually curse

-But if he trips over something in surprise, or stubs his toe, he might accidentally say "Dammit!"

-He'll immediately apologize afterwards

-Other than that, though, he's the type to substitute swear words (Such as miércoles instead of mierda)

Bonus: Mariano

-Normally, his language is pretty clean to match his reputation

-If he gets stressed enough, though, he might whimper "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck" under his breath

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