Camilo: Maybe Just Stop Talking

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This is more of a drabble than a oneshot, but oh well.

For as long as you could remember, you'd been enchanted by Camilo. You two had agreed you were each other's favorite people at a very young age, and that statement stayed true as you grew older.

When you were both teenagers, he gained a large group of admirers who would line up and ask him to do impressions of different people, and he happily complied, changing from a middle-aged woman to a little boy, to a teenage girl.

You watched him in admiration, reclining on a bench off in the shadows. You never got bitter that he ignored you for the villagers—instead, you marveled that he used his gift solely to make people smile and laugh. He could have used it to lie and con people, instead he became an entertainer.

Camilo noticed you watching him and paused to wave at you. When you waved back, he turned into you and made a silly face, much to the delight of the people around him. You shook your head with a smile. He might have been fifteen, but he acted like he was still five.

You got bored watching the people he turned into, so you pulled the first thing you could find in your pocket—a rubber band—and began playing with it.

After a few minutes, you heard disappointed whining coming from the small crowd in front of you, and Camilo jogged over. "Yo."

You offered a small smile. "Yo."

"I thought they would never stop," he groaned, flopping next to you and running a hand through his hair. "It was endless requests! I didn't even know some of the people they asked me to turn into!"

You pat his shoulder. "There, there. I think it's nice that you were so patient with them, though," you said, shrugging a little. "I never could—they'd all be dead if I were you."

He raised his eyebrows. "Yeah, it's a good thing you're not me. On the other hand—" he shifted into you, cheekily leaning closer to you. "—I can be you."

You shoved his head away playfully. "Hey, at least you're better looking now."

He gasped, turning back into himself. "How dare you! I'm beautiful!"

"Yeah," you agreed easily, "but I'm stunning."

He rolled his eyes. "I can't exactly disagree with that, but still—"

You snickered, giving him a one-armed hug. "Maybe just stop talking."

"Fine," he said grumpily, putting his arm around you.

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