Chapter 21; One decision led to a revelation.

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Tiarra had a splitting headache. She picked up her bible to read, but the devil appeared and whispered, "What do you want to read?"
"The Lord is my shepherd ...." she began ignoring him but he persisted "Do you really want to keep on praying? What happened to heaven helps those who helped themselves?"
"I have faith in God," she replied, trying to fight him out. He came again, disguised as the angel of light.
"Your faith is good, but faith without works is useless"
Tiarra thought he was right. After all, it was in the Bible, but it didn't mean that. She fell for his tactics and asked: "What can I do?"
He smiled and replied," They didn't allow you to see Isaiah. Too bad. What if you could actually see him?"
"There's no way," she replied.
"Well then, keep on praying, I heard they'll soon cover his body and label him dead. " This statement made her tremble. She panicked and packed her stuff to run to the hospital immediately.
"Jackpot!" the devil exclaimed. Even though it was 6:00 am, she snuck out because she knew her mom wouldn't allow her to go ever again after the embarrassment they faced the other time. She got a bus to the hospital and reached after a few minutes.
A part of her was scared but a part of her assured her she was doing the right thing-the devil.

She stood looking at the door and took a deep breath, she walked in slowly. The devil stood watching her"It looks like I have to make the coast clear in order for her to actually get in." he said to himself.

Tiarra walked in shivering but no receptionist or even anyone at the front desk,she was glad. She began walking peeping through the windows of the door for Isaiah's room. The last door of the floor was where Isaiah lay, the room was empty but opened so she quietly entered.
She smiled and ran to the seat next to him, she began crying "Isaiah please I'm here, now I can finally tell you how much you mean to me. I know they'll pronounce you dead but I just know that you'll go through this alive, I love you so much. Please wake up"
The devil watched from outside"Oh isn't this cute, I've given her what she wants now for what I want "

Tiarra was still crying when all of a sudden
"How did you get in!"Isaiah's mom screamed. She startled her,tiarra turned and gasped in shock" Mrs B perry..." she muttered.
The lady immediately grabbed her by her shoulders and said"How did you get in"
She was hurting tiarra very much, she began crying"Please let me go, I wanted to see Isaiah"The woman let go of her and screamed"Look at him!" she acted dramatically," look! now please tell me did anything change?! Do you actually think you're some special being to awaken Isaiah or something? you put him here, remember?"
Tiarra shook her head and begged"Please don't let them cover him and pronounce him dead, God will save him"

The devil scoffed at her comment.
Isaiah's mom was very angry, she called for corps"What for?"tiarra asked while crying."You illegally trespassed and snuck in to see my son even after I told you not to!" she replied.
"You cant  call the corps because of that!"Tiarra screamed.

The staff came in to settle the dispute while the corps were on their way. Tiara knew she was in for it, what if her mom found out. She cried even more, as they forced her out, she wouldn't let go of Isaiah.
"It is clear now that you're so obsessed with my son!" she yelled.

The corps arrived in no time to help them,tiarra was detained in the station until it was seven o'clock. The press came in rushing to get information, so many people were around the police station trying to get a glimpse of tee tee.
Her mom finally arrived and hugged her, she cried and said"I'm so sorry mum, I shouldn't have gone"

Her mom also cried and pecked her. One of the corps approached them and said"Mrs Paris?" They broke the hug and her mom turned to him"Yes"
"You'll have to suffer your child's punishment, you'll spend the rest of the day in a cell, she's guilty of trespassing and struggling with officers" he replied.

Tiarra couldn't believe her ears, "What? no! my mum didn't know about it" she cried.
"It's just one-day tee tee" her mum replied.
Tiarra cried, she knew she messed up"I thought God was on my side" she muttered. As she watched them cuff her mom, she could only weep.
She looked out and saw a lot of people who would put this on social media, as if that was not enough, she spotted macei and qua walking inside.
She wiped her tears fast,macei then said"You don't ever listen, do you?"

Qua just stood being speechless,tiarra tried to talk to qua but she avoided physical contact with her, she didn't want to be caught talking to her like her mum instructed.
Tiarra nodded in disappointment"Even you?" she asked qua.
"Why are you avoiding me?" she asked again.
Qua replied coldly "It's better we never speak to each other again"
Tiarra was stunned, qua then walked away because she was too ashamed of herself. Macei smiled and then looked at tiarra"Now who is on your side? no one "
Tiarra became pissed, she couldn't stand her, she was about to reply but an officer interfered and said to tiarra"Listen, kid..."
They both turned to him, he was old but he looked at tiarra like he knew her from somewhere. He continued"What you did out there was crazy, you put your mom in trouble, I know your dad. Do you want to end up like him?"
Macei and tiarra shared a confused glance, "what do you mean by that?' she asked.

"I mean, do you want to end up in jail?" he replied. Tiarra was still trying to understand"my dad is dead"
The man replied"No, he's not. He wasn't sentenced to death, he's in jail. Mr Travis Johnson"

Tiarra was still not understanding, she stuttered"no, my dad is dead!"
The officer replied "Why don't you ask your mum why she hid it from you?" he then walked away.

Macei then turned to her"Your dad is in jail?! you lied to me?"
Tiarra replied"I have no idea what he's talking about, I'm also surprised"
"And you want me to believe that? you're also a lying skunk" she walked away. Tiarra was so upset, she ran away as fast as possible, she just wanted to go home.

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