Chapter 8; Devil at my back

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The next day was quite unregular for tiarra, she bumped into qua who was practising her dance outside.
"Heyy famous qua," she said. Qua smiled at her and packed her stuff.
"I know Isaiah told you, he never keeps his mouth shut"qua replied. Tiarra helped her back her stuff"So when were you gonna tell me that you are a celebrity!"
"I'm an influencer! chill it's not a big deal, it's not like I made myself one" qua replied as they walked into the hall.

"What do you mean?"tiarra replied.
"People only know me cause I'm macei's sister, I'm trying to make a name for myself by dancing. That's why I'm so mean, people seem to make fun of me and so I snap back"
Tiarra walked into the hall with people staring at her and murmuring, she gained 3000 followers overnight but she wasn't all excited about it.

"Don't mind them, they're just jealous" qua whispered to tiarra. Tiarra and qua parted ways cause they were not in the same grade, she sat down in her class but this time she looked at macei with so much honour and respect. She felt like she was sitting next to a celebrity, she turned to mykel and then Isaiah"Hey Isaiah" she waved.

He waved back,macei looked at her and then looked away immediately. Tiarra became even more active in class and proved not only was she good at skating but smart as well. The teacher told her to stand and tell the whole class her future ambition, she stood and turned to them"If Jesus hasn't come back before then, I would love to be an astronaut !"

Her reply made the whole class give her the nickname"Jesus Freak".The remaining days of the week were all about her and Isaiah became closer and she practised the dance with qua. She made Isaiah revere her so much because she talked about Jesus a lot, people started talking about her saying she only wants to be a member of the HHG and that's why she befriended them. Macei and Paris didn't still say a word to her or mykel as he was preparing to travel to New York where he would be tutored properly for his SATs.On Friday, qua and tiarra perfected the dance and posted it on TikTok giving her a boost to 5000 followers.

Isaiah even came to Teetee's church on Sunday where he was given permission to attend the Christian camp. It was a 3-day event, and the bus took all the church kids to the Louisiana campsite.

"How do I look," Isaiah said to tiarra. He was adjusting his clothing as he came down the bus,tiarra turned to him and replied"Remember you're here for a reason, put all your fame aside and focus on God for just three days."
"Sure, and I'm sure no one would even recognise me here...." but he got interrupted as some church girls ran towards them asking for pictures.

"Hey Isaiah, I love your videos!"
"Been watching you since you were 10!"
"Is macei here?"

This was what tiarra was talking about, she sighed and pushed them away"Move guys, not now!"
"Yeah, what she said, "Isaiah said after tiarra.She turned to him again and said"Please don't mess this up "

"Yeah, relax... I got this!" he replied and walked away. She looked at him and followed him closely.

9:00 pm

All the kids formed a big circle and lit a campfire, they were told to tell biblical stories and talk about God.
Tiarra stood up and began telling the story of Nicodemus, the head of Pharisees. Everyone paid so much attention until the teacher left for some minutes, then a girl screamed"Tee tee, please sit down. Can Isaiah say something at least he's new here and we would love to hear from him" Tiarra didn't take it personally, she sat and smiled at Isaiah. Everyone clapped for him as he stood up.

"My name is Isaiah..." 
"We know who you are, "someone said from the back. They all agreed, he chuckled and continued"My mom is a Christian but my dad is atheist, so I definitely was confused all my life about which religion I belonged to "A boy from the crowd replied "So what religion made you so famous? maybe you could tell us"

Another girl replied, "Why do unbelievers become successful more than Christians?" Everyone started murmuring,tiarra became angry at the comments people were saying. She stood and said, "At this point, don't you understand that every good gift comes from God and His eternal life is the best gift ever!"

A girl replied her saying"So tee tee if God's gift was enough for you, why did you befriend Isaiah and qua, weren't you trying to be famous too?"

Tiarra stood in shock at that rude girl while everyone else stared at her waiting for a reply, she excused herself and ran out into the woods. Isaiah ran after her screaming her name but he lost her, she sat on a rock and wept. It was so silent and she was alone, so she was free to cry as much as possible.
"Tee tee,"  she felt a soft cunning voice say within her. She still kept on crying. The voice continued"Are you gonna let them say that violation against you?"She felt uneasy all of a sudden, the voice didn't stop talking, it continued"Stand up for yourself! because how else will you be heard, show them who is boss"

She blocked her ears and tried to convince herself it was nothing. The voice continued softly"You would always be nothing, just a random average teenage Christian girl who serves a God that she can't even see..."

She stood and screamed and closed her eyes tightly"Leave me alone!"

"Are you okay tee tee?"Isaiah asked standing behind the bushes. She wiped her tears and looked around in fear, she walked away as fast as possible to the van to get her stuff. Isaiah followed her asking her questions like"Are you upset?" "Is it because of me?" "I shouldn't have come"

She turned to him and plastered a smile on her face" I'm cool, this isn't the first time someone has insulted me. I just have to go "
"Right now?" he asked. She nodded and brought out her phone to call her mum, he then said"If you leave then I'll leave too" he also packed his bags, she felt bad for making him leave but she couldn't stay either cause of the incident while she was alone. She became scared and wanted to go back home.

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