Chapter 6;brooding emotions

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"Mane your video got 500 thousand views already!" Isaiah exclaimed, scrolling through YouTube. They were having lunch on their HHG table however, macei wasn't excited scrolling through her comment section. Qua then added, "What's up, macei?"
Macei sighed and slouched in the chair. "These guys are not appreciating my work at all"
she said in a calm tone.
"What!" Qua opened YouTube and scrolled through the comment section." Macei is a true content creator. She went all this way to entertain us. " She put her phone down and looked at Macei. "See?" she added.

"Noooooo," macei whined and replied again "Read the replies under the comment"
Qua picked her phone up again and read out loud, "You mean the amazing skater girl is the true content? "
She raised her face up and turned to the faces staring at her. She gulped and continued with the next reply, "The girl is even better than macei at skating"

Qua began feeling nervous because macei wasn't smiling at all but she continued"Who's this skater girl, we want more of her"

Qua put the phone down and said softly"It doesn't matter if sixty-three people replied to a comment and said you weren't good" Macei groaned. Paris interfered"If you ask me, I think that skater girl just wanted clout from Macie's vid, she took all the credit and now everyone wants to know her" Isaiah interrupted Paris "I think she's a cool skater "

They both started arguing,mykel closed the book he was silently studying and said"Can we have another discussion here rather than the fans and how much they like us, what about books or education?i am trying to get into Stanford here..."
They all remained silent before Paris said to him"You thought you ate huh? why don't you just go for Howard? you're black and please give us a break, go read in the library or sum"
Qua choked on her water, she held back laughter.
They started arguing again except macei, she was in her own world.

Noel stood and yelled"Enough!"
They murmured and remained shut. But Isaiah broke the silence "I'm going over tee tee's place, she's gonna teach me her sick move"

Paris immediately snapped"What? I'm telling mum!"
"What's it to you?"Qua replied to her. Paris got up and pointed at qua"you of all people should know that everyone wants to be associated with us because of we're influencers and our lifestyle, how can he just trust a random girl that obviously wants clout off our plate"

"Chill, she doesn't even know that"qua replied.

Paris sat down and said, "How is that possible?" Macei finally spoke and said"Same question I asked her"
Qua stood up and replied"Bye guys"
"Where are you going?" Mykel asked."I'm going to practice my dance to the new Roxie's song, I might possibly go viral since she's famous"

Paris then commented"What do you need viral for? you're on a 1.1 mil thanks to macei and macei is also gonna do a remix with Roxie, so you can definitely meet her" However this was what qua hated, everything was gotten from macei, she wanted her own spotlight. Qua didn't reply, she walked away.
"Good one motor mouth," Miles said to Paris.


Qua stood far from the court when she played the music and practised, she thought about different things like how people only know her because of macei, she didn't have anything to be proud of. These thoughts only made her dance faster and harder, she was trying to progress while the rest were trying to impress. She overdid herself this time around until someone tapped her from behind, she fell down due to impact and looked up "Hey" Tiarra said giving her a hand.
"What are you doing ?"Tiarra asked.
Qua dusted herself and gave a cold reply"What does it look like?" Tiarra smiled and said again"I meant, you're dancing so energetic like someone pissed you off"
Qua sat down"I'm trying to make a vial video on TikTok, so I gotta put in my best"

Tiara sat with her and said "I just got a phone yesterday, I guess you could teach me how to use TikTok" Qua laughed and thought to herself"Such an unusual kid"

Tiarra stood and said"I can dance" she made some dope leg movements "
"What cant you do?"Qua was impressed.
Tiarra smiled like she just had a bright idea"You could make a skate dance video, that will be cool"
Qua zoned out cause the idea was genius, she stared and imagined, a trend people would dig."We could make it together" Qua said.
Tiarra nodded with a broad smile.

It was the end of school, they all prepared to leave. Isaiah followed tiarra from behind, they both stopped to get takis. Tiarra looked at him and gave a warm smile"I see we meet again" she said stuffing takis in her bag.
"Yeah, I'm serious about coming over" he replied following her out.
"Cool," she shrugged and lead the way.
Macei,mykel, miles, noel, qua and  Paris watched them leave."She is up to something sinister"Paris muttered. Macei quickly walked away, the rest followed her.

Isaiah and tiarra got to her place after a long way,tiarra knocked. Her mom quickly opened it, wanted to scream and hug tiarra when she saw Isaiah. She froze with shock and just looked at them"Hey mum" Tiarra said and walked in. Isaiah bowed and greeted her and  also came in"Mrs Paris"

Her mom turned and smiled while locking the door"Who is this ...Tee tee?"
"He's my friend "tiarra looked at Isaiah and added, "are you?"  Isaiah put his arm around her and replied"Yeah"

Tiarra's mom's expression seemed like she didn't like the idea."Good" she looked at him waiting for his name." Isaiah B perry brown "he replied.

"Mum, he's here so that I can teach him how to skate my way...I'm gonna go get my special skates" she ran upstairs, Isaiah wanted to follow her but tiara's mum quickly stopped him with a smirk on her face, she held him like a son and asked, "My daughter has never brought friends, she has been homeschooled her entire life and I wasn't expecting a boy..."

Isaiah smiled and replied"I don't like your daughter in that way, I promise" Tiarra's mom let go of him and sighed deeply, she was relieved"Thank God! I mean she's just fifteen and it's just her second day, I didn't want boy problems"

Isaiah sat while she offered him juice" No problem, so are you really serious about her not having any friends?"

"Yes, she only talks to God in her room, He has been her only friend basically" her mom replied sitting next to him. The God part confused Isaiah a little, he asked again"She talks to the Big guy in the sky?"
"Yes," her mom said again.
Isaiah smiled and nodded"Cool"

Tiarra got down and exclaimed"Let's go Isaiah " Isaiah stood and turned again"Where's your dad?" There was a brief silence until Tiarra looked at her mom and then at Isaiah, she replied"He's in a better place"
He got the message and said"so sorry if I spoilt your mood" She grabbed him by the arm and replied, "Let's go already".
"Bye, mom! " 
"Bye Mrs Paris"

They both ran out.

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