Chapter 19

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It was the weekend finally!

Carina had been waiting for the weekend to come so she could spend it with her girlfriend.

Maya on the other hand was a little anxious throughout the week after her and Mason had visited the shelter that night.

This was because of Maya bumping into someone from her past that she used to get into fights with.

He was horrible to Maya, and she wasn't so nice back.

He had been sending Maya threats such as: I'm going to find you tonight and kick your arse, are you dating anyone? Probably not because if you were then they'd find out who you really are sooner or later, I'm coming for you.

It was now Friday night and Maya had received a message saying that he was outside of her house right now.

Maya's heart stopped she didn't want carina to whislt mess what was about to happen, she didn't deserve it.

"Bambina your whole body has gone stiff what's wrong?" Carina could sense fear radiating from the blonde and was confused as to why.

"He's here" Maya stood and pulled carina with her.

"Who your father?" She asked.

"No an old enemy of mine he wants to hurt me" Maya made her way to the stairs and stood for a moment before shooing the Italian upstairs.

"Go upstairs I won't be long I don't want you to see this" maya looked down at her shoes before feeling soft lips touch her own.

"Be carful Bella" carina didn't want to argue because Maya was right, she didn't want to see this.

"Maya open up right now" the boy outside continues to banged on the door loudly clearly not backing down.

"I'm coming calm down" she opened the door and was welcomed by the face she hates oh so much.

"Oh here we go this should be fun" without Maya being ready he swung and hit her directly in the jaw.

Maya wobbled back a little but soon stood up straight again and awaited for the next swing.

"Come on Maya! Is that all you've got? God you are weak" at hearing that Maya charged at the boy and knocked him to the ground, she fell with him.

She sat on top of his waist and laid punch after punch after punch hitting his jaw every time.

Maya didn't have the power for long because before she knew it he grabbed her right arm and pulled her down before twisting it and hearing a crack sound fill the room.

Maya had to bite her bottom lip to contain the scream she wanted to unleash, but her mind was only focused on one boy and that was the pathetic boy below her.

With everything she had she kneed him in his crown jewels and pulled him up by his collar before leading him pushed him outside before speaking for the first time within their encounter.

"Fuck off Jeremy and don't even bother coming back"

Maya slammed the door and allowed the scream to reveal its self as she fell to the floor in pain.

Carina heard the door slam shut and heard Maya's yell of pain so she ran downstairs to comfort her girlfriend.

"Bella" carina was on the floor with Maya within a second her arms wrapping around Maya's back.

She could see Maya's arm but it wasn't until Maya moved the slightest to reveal it more that she saw the reason for why she was screaming.

"Oh my-" Maya's arm was snapped she could see where the bone was threatening to tare through the skin.

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