Chapter 13

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I got sent home from school today :( so imma write 😋👍🏼

The blonde was sat in the car, listening to her dad go on and on, even if she hadn't done anything wrong he was always finding some reason to pester her, to blame her.

Apparently it was such a bad thing that she took the car to go to something she wasn't even allowed to participate in which she knew.

They arrived at their house, Maya watched as her father got out of the car slamming it behind him making the blonde jump.

Maya quickly followed behind him making sure she didn't say or do anything else that would aggravate him or piss him off even more.

"I told you not to go!" He shouted, as he slammed the front door,  before walking to the kitchen.

"What makes you think you can ignore what I tell you?" He asked.

"I'm sorry dad" she replied, as she looked down at her shoes, fiddling with her fingers.

She knew she shouldn't be apologising, yes normally when you've disobeyed your parents you should
apologise and feel guilty for what you've done, but in Maya's case she never felt guilty, or felt like she needed to apologise, she did it purely in hope that she wouldn't get hurt.

"that's not good enough... come on" he said grabbing his keys again and walking over to the blonde pulling her by the arm.

"W-where are we going?" She asked not resisting her fathers grip knowing it'll just hurt more

"track" he shortly replied; letting go of her arm when they reached the car.

"no more questions" he hissed, as he got in the car and waited for Maya to do the same.

"Dad it's going to get dark soon, you can't just leave me here" she said, as he pulled over next to the track and leaned over opening the blondes door for her

"out!" She didn't bother arguing and just listened, as she pushed the door more so she could get out of the car.

"200 laps get them done" he said.

Maya watched as her father drove away, leaving her standing out in the cold darkness.

"For fuck sakes" she mumbled, as she ran a hand through her hair.

She had finished her 150th lap, it was now pitch black; she didn't have her phone on her, she wasn't even sure if she knew her way home, she vaguely knew where to go because this has happened before but she wasn't 100% certain.

With the darkness surrounding her it was going to be even harder.

She caught her breath for a moment before continuing with her laps.

She had finally finished them all and was exhausted, she grabbed her knees with her hands and leant over trying to catch her breath.

Maya only straitened her posture when she heard the sudden call of her name.


"Andrew?" She asked when she saw a familia figure walk out of the darkness and into view.

"Sì, what the hell are you doing here?" He asked, as he ridded the sweat on his forehead.

"I could ask you the same thing" she replied.

"I came out with friends" he replied, his eyebrows furrowed as he awaited an answer from the blonde.

"I was just running a few laps" she answered, her hand making it's way to her hair again.

running her hand through her hair again

"Andrea mom is going to be here soon" she knew that voice, that was her favourite sound.

"Carina come here" he said, as he turned so he was facing away from the blonde, awaiting for his sister.

turning around seeing his sister walk over to the two teens

"maya!" She exclaimed, before hurriedly making her way over to her girlfriend.

Carina hugged Maya as soon as she was close to her, she wrapped her arms around the blonde.

walking over to the blonde and enveloping her in a hug,

"why are you here Bella?" She asked, she could clearly see the sweat that coated Maya's body.

"She's running laps" Andrew replied.

"ok well how has your day been?" She asked knowing when to move the conversation onto a new topic with the blonde, "alright" she replied "where did you guys eat?" She added not wanting the main focus to be on her anymore,

"KFC" she replied watching as Maya's face lit up; she smiled at the brunette

"your favourite" she added, leaning in to place a soft kiss to the blondes cheek

"Have you got anything better to do then just stand there and stare?" Maya asked, amused, she enjoyed teasing Andrew.

"Jeez blondie don't get your knickers in a twist" he replied, before running off when he saw the death glare he earned from Maya.

"Look I know you don't want to talk about it but why are you here Bella?" The brunette asked wanting her girlfriend to talk to her

"left me" she said looking back down at the ground her smile falling into a frown.

"your papa?" She asked.

"yes... he dropped me off here and made me run 200 laps, I have to walk home in-" she started before being cut off by the brunette

"wait! He just left you here, knowing how far it is from your house?" She asked, Carina was absolutely furious, who would do such a thing to their own child?

She didn't understand it, and probably never would.

Maya just nodded, as she looked up but avoided Carina's eyes

"Maya that's not good Bella" it deeply saddened the brunette that Maya had to go through this, she didn't deserve it, and she sure as hell doesn't deserve to go through it all by herself.

she said feeling so guilty for her girlfriend,

"you must be so tired" she added, whilst tracing her fingers across the skin of Mayas shoulders.

just wanting to comfort her girlfriend

"my legs feel like they're gonna fall off" she replied smiling softly at the Italian.

"my mom can give you a lift" she said after a moments silence.

"That would be amazing Babe thank you" she said, before leaning in closer, placing a kiss to her girlfriends lips.

"What would I do without you?"


Thank god for Carina ☺️

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