Chapter 11

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Maya didn't celebrate birthdays, her father never even knew when her birthday was it was just another normal day. The only person that knew was her brother and her closest friends, that's all the needed really, Carina didn't know yet because she didn't want to make a big deal out of it.

"Bye dad" she said as she made her way to the door with Mason, "home by 4:30pm sharp" she heard her dad shout as she closed the door to leave her house.

Once she arrived she made her way to her first class, biology looking forward to seeing her girlfriend there. "Hey babe" she said as she made her way to her seat and sat next to the brunette, "hey gorgeous" she replied smiling softly at the blonde. "Happy birthday Maya" she head from behind them as they both tuned round to be met with Jack handing Maya a ten pound note, "cheers Jack" the blonde said as she took the money from her friend and turned back around. "I'm sorry birthday?" She asked narrowing her eyebrows in confusion, "mhm no big deal" Maya nodded as she saw the brunettes face turn from confused to shocked in the matter of seconds, "no big deal Maya it's your 18th" she said as she tried to make her girlfriend more exited about birthdays. "Yea I guess" she replied shrugging her shoulders dismissing the excitement,

"what have you got planned tonight?" Carina asked as the blonde took a big breath, "nothing" she replied sighing. "Nothing Bella?" She asked wondering why they hadn't planned something for the blondes birthday, "yup... my dad doesn't even know my birthdays today" she said laughing bitterly at her father. "Come over?" The Italian asked as she moved her hand from her lap to interlock with the blondes, "sure I have to be home at the usual though", "Sì that's ok" she responded wanting to make Maya feel special and loved on such an important day.

"Mama I'm home" Carina shouted as the three teens made their way into the house chucking their backpacks on the floor under the coat wrack. "Ahhh hi Bella" she heard her mother reply as she emerged from the kitchen covered in flour, Carina had texted her mother and asked if Maya could come over for dinner due to it being her Birthday, obviously she said yes and prepared them Maya's favourite meal.

"Happy birthday Bella" she said to the blonde as she opened her arms, "hug?" She asked as she waited for Maya to respond, "sure why not" she replied as she went into the embrace of the older Italian woman. "Ahhhh I need to save this" Carina said as she took a photo of her girlfriend and her mother, "you did not just" Maya said faking offence, "I did" Carina giggled as she showed her brother the photo, "awwww how adorable" he said earning a slap to the shoulder from the blonde.

"Girls, Bambino dinner!" They heard the Italian woman shout signifying dinner was ready, following the amazing smell that guided them into the kitchen. "Mama this smells so good" Andrea said sniffing in the amazing smell that was their mother's Italian food, "well I'm glad bambino, Maya could you take these please Bambina?" She asked handing the blonde the dip and chips with the bowl of cheese, "sure" she replied grabbing the bowls and dip from the older woman.

"I really do appreciate it Miss DeLuca" she told her wanting the woman to know she was great full for someone at least making an effort, "No problem Bella now eat up" she said as she grabbed her fork and started to tuck in.

"Mmmmm Mama that was delicious" Carina sighed as she moved her bowel away from her and slumped down in her chair. "Yea that really was the best meal I've ever eaten, I'm used to microwaved meals" Maya said looking down at her bowel as she felt a bit awkward, "good girls I'm glad you enjoyed it"

"Shit" Maya mumbled under her breath making Miss DeLuca narrow her eyes at the blonde, "sorry, it's just I should be home, my dads going to kill me" she said as she stood up and made her way to grab her bag and put her coat and shoes on. "Bella wait" Carina said grabbing Maya's arm in her own hand and spinning her round to face the brunette, pulling her in by her collar with one hand whilst the other softly stroked her cheek. "Happy birthday my gorgeous girl" she said before kissing her girlfriend on the lips softly. "He hurts you, you call me" she shouted as the blonde left their house.

I know you guys want longer chapters but I'm struggling to update atm as it is, I'm trying my best to write more. I have a mock in two weeks and need to revise for that as well as a geography test next week. Bare with me 🦋❤️

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