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Harry hugs his sister tightly, "Congratulations, Gemma!" Her sister giggles and hugs him back tightly, "Thank you, my baby bro!"

"Hey! I'm not a baby anymore." Harry says in offensive tone and gemma rolled her eyes and bops Harry's nose "you'll always be my baby brother."

Harry huffs with a pouty face he grumbles, "okay but where the little angel?" Harry looks around the room.

Gemma chuckles at him "she's taken by a nurse to check her weight and all, her father is there too don't worry!" She says and harry signs.

Anne was trying to call someone, harry looks over at her frowning he asks "Who are you calling mom?"

"Your father, he went to bring gemma lunch but still hasn't come back. His phone is also showing engaged." She says and harry pulls out his phone, "wait I'll try it-"

Just then Harry's father, Desmond walks in holding two bags full of lunch, "Sorry I got a work call, here's your lunch gem."

Gemma smiles and sits up straight as his father starts removing lunch from the bag.

Harry looks over at his mom, he goes and sits beside her on the couch. "Mom...did you call...him?"

Anne shakes her head, "not yet...I don't know if he'll be able to come or not or even wanted to come..." She says signing.

Harry looks down at his hands, fiddling with his fingers he says "Do you know where he is? Did he talk to you after that...video came out?"

Anne looks over at gemma and Desmond who were giggling and eating the lunch, "let's not talk about that right now..." With that Anne gets up and goes over to grab his lunch plate.

Harry looks down and signs, to be honest, that he doesn't even know himself what to do next.

The door opens and Michal comes in holding his daughter in a mini soft pink blanket. Harry immediately goes towards them,

"Congratulations Michal!" He gives him a side hug gently as he was holding the baby.

"Thank you, Harry!" Michal smiles widely and harry grins peeking into the pink blanket he immediately cooes as he saw the baby girl's cute face scrunching as the light was falling on her face.

"Aweee she's so cute!" Harry gently kisses her head and covers her back in the blanket not over her head fully, so she could breathe.

"Just like me" Gemma grins proudly and Harry rolled his eyes, "it's in the family gem!"

Anne shakes her head at the two siblings fighting. Michal goes and gently lays the baby next to Gemma.

Harry smiles and pulls out his phone, "let's take a family picture!" He starts clicking pictures.

"My perfect family!"


Louis takes a deep breath before opening the door of the hospital room. A smile played across his lips immediately when he saw gemma asleep with a bundle of the pink blanket right beside her.

He looks around the room to find Gemma's husband asleep on the couch other than him no one was in the room. He smiles and closes the door again not wanting to disturb their sleep.

He turns around and bumps into a hard chest and that familiar cologne smell hits his nose making him look up to meet those green orbs he wished to never see.

Harry looks down at him and smiles softly which made Louis immediately look away because he'll break into a huge grin after seeing Harry's dimpled smile.

"Hii Louis... How have you been?" Harry says to wish Louis steps back and looks around avoiding his green curious eyes.

"Uh... I'm fine now that I don't have to be a burden on you. By looking at your smiling face I can make out, you're over the moon now that I'm not in your house anymore...right?"

Well, Louis opens his mouth less, but when he do he kills the person with sassy remarks.

Harry gulps and looks away from Louis's crystal blue eyes. "N-no its n-nothing like that Louis- I'm sor-"

Louis groans loudly interrupting harry, he rubs his eyes and then takes a deep breath meeting Harry's confused eyes he says, "please let's not start this all again..."

"What?" Harry questions dumbly making Louis roll his eyes.

"Don't apologise for what you did cause, to be honest, I didn't expect you to do all that video leaking thing but who am I talking about! It's harry the great styles, who owns a huge ass famous company 'Gucci' why would he do such a cheap thing as leaking a video just to insult and humiliate someone..." Louis says all that was in his heart since the day harry hurt him with his actions.

Harry stands there in guilt and lowers his gaze when he even himself realised the cheap things he did, thrown in his face... But isn't it too late to realise!

"Louis, I didn't mean to hurt you. I-i don't k-know what came over me and i... Did that stupid thing. I'm truly sorry for whatever I did and even after so much you respected me-"

Again Louis interrupts him by shaking his head and saying, "I respected you because you were my 'husband' but not anymore Harry. I don't care if you treat me to throw me out and prove yourself god knows what badass you are but now... It's not the same."

Harry frowns and looks at Louis, they still are married right? Harry didn't sign those divorce papers yet... should he tell him this...or not? ....now or when?

"Louis about that the papers-"

"Louis...you okay?"

Harry turns at that familiar voice he hates so much, his cousin Aaron walking towards them.

"I'm okay Aaron..." Louis says with a small smile. Aaron looks at harry and then looks at Louis than at the gift in his hand je bought to give gemma and her family together.

"You didn't give the gift?" Aaron asks Louis and turns his back to harry whose jaw was clenched as he saw Aaron so close to Louis.

"Uh- no they both are asleep and I didn't want to wake them up, they looked tired... we'll come another time maybe-"

Harry buts in saying, "There's a family gathering tomorrow evening at Gemma's place, celebration and welcoming the new member in the family and...you are invited to Louis."

Louis frowns and then shakes his head, "I'm sorry, but I won't be able to come tomorrow. I have my first photoshoot tomorr-"

"Don't worry about it, I'll post pond it. I'm still your boss, and I can make it happen so... What do you say? Gemma, mum and dad will be very happy if you'll come!"

And me too Harry wasn't able to say the words out loud but he hopes Louis gets him. He doesn't wanna just let Louis go hurt and bruised all because of him.

He wanna make it up to him and at least try to be his friend...and exit Aaron from his life cause he's toxic for Louis, this is what harry thinks...

"Um..." Louis looks at Aaron who puts a hand on his shoulder, "I'll be there too, it'll be fun you should come!"

Harry glares at the back of Aaron's head, he wasn't invited! But duh, he's his cousin he can't kick him out of the family function.

"Okay, then I'll come! See you tomorrow Harry." With that Louis leaves without another word or glance at harry who was grinning like a kid who just got rewarded with candies.

"Thank you, Louis..." He mumbles to himself watching as Louis walks away with Aaron besides, "Just wait and see how I switch the place in some time, Aaron..."

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