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"You're doing amazing Lou, just remember to keep your back straight and then walk again-"

Bebe's phone interrupted her so she grabs it, "it's your husband!" She says to Louis and picks up the phone.

"Hell-" she gets interrupted,

"Send Louis to my office right now!" And Harry hangs up. Bebe didn't even get to complete her 'hello'

"What did he say?" Louis asks looking at Bebe who keeps her phone on her desk "he wants you in his office right now." she gives Louis a smirk.

Louis nods looking down, "so uh... we'll continue this tomorrow?" Bebe nods "yup tomorrow, gimme your number we'll have lunch together sometime!"

Louis smiles nervously scratching the back of his neck he says "I... don't have a phone actually" Bebe's eye's widened "what! Why?"

"They just give me headaches..." Louis lied too afraid to say bebe that he's too broke to even buy a phone and he's her boss's husband that won't give a good impression.

"It's okay Lou I'll text Harry whenever I have some news or we can hang out sometime! From now on we're gonna work together so..." Louis nods smiling widely, "yes absolutely!"

"Good! Now go or your husband will help himself by wanking."

"Bebe!" And yeah Louis does know the meaning of wanking but not masturbating...


Harry was sitting at his desk, typing furiously on his laptop. Louis walks in without bothering to knock.

"You called me?"

"Do you know how to knock?" Harry shots Louis with another question making Louis frown "yeah I kno-"

"Then go outside and use that knowledge and then step in," Harry says his green eyes going back to his laptop.

Louis keeps standing there and doesn't move to make Harry groan in frustration, "why don't you listen to me huh!" Louis crosses his arms "I'm not your kid unfortunately I only listen to myself"

Harry signed and leans back in his chair and looks at Louis he says "you see those files" Harry points at a bundle of files on the couch there.

Louis looks at it "what about it?" He questions and Harry smirked "keep them in serial number" Louis looks back at him "but that's not my job!"

Harry leans forward and keeps his hands on his desk he looks into Louis' eyes, "well here I will assign you your work and you have to do it without whining...get to work now"

Louis' lips turned into a thin line and he huffs going and sitting on the couch he starts putting the files in order.

Harry smirks and gets back to his work, Jennifer got sick so she left early and her pending work now Louis was doing.

After half an hour Louis' work was done. He signs and stretches his hands cracks his knuckles he puts the bundle of files on the coffee table.

"Done!" He says looking at Harry who was reading some papers. Harry looks up at him and then back at the files then at him he says "now keep them in alphabetical order"

Louis frowns "but I put them seria-"

"Don't argue with me, put them in alphabetical order you know that? A B C D E F-" Louis groans interrupting Harry he says "I very much know alphabets!"

He sits back on the couch and starts arranging the files in alphabetical order. Harry smirks and goes back to his work very happy he finds a way to annoy Louis.



Harry turns in his spinning chair and looks at Louis whose eyes were looking sleepy and lips swollen like he has bit it multiple times.

"Okay, clean that cupboard and put these files the way they are in it" Louis looks at the cupboard to the corner of the room.

He goes to open and he immediately screams at the top of his lungs making Harry nearly fall out of his chair.

"What the fuck-"

"THERE IS A COCKROACH HERE HELP!" Louis yells and suddenly jumps in Harry's lap hugging him tightly, he might take a chance when it comes to lizards but he's shit scared of cockroaches. They can fly! They shouldn't have wings, to be honest.

Harry groans, "it's just a bloody cockro- AAAAAAAAA MUMMMYYY!" Harry screams when he saw the cockroach fly out of his cupboard.

He stands up with Louis still clinging to him like a Koala and runs out of the room.

"SOMEONE BLOODY CALL PEST CONTROL! RIGHT NOW" he yells and everyone present there starts running to grab the phone.

Harry breaths out and goes to the green room. He looks at Louis who was still hugging him like he's a teddy bear.

After going into the room he pushes Louis off him roughly making a disgusting face. "Get off me, you coward!"

Louis whimpers and rubs his back after falling, he looks at Harry "I'm not a coward; you are! " Harry glares at him crossing his arms "oh yeah? Who was the one jumping on me first!"

"Who was the one screaming like a teenage girl when he saw the cockroach fly approximately five feet away from him?" Louis asks standing up and staring into those green eyes.

Harry gulps and looks away going to the couch he sits down saying "shut up! It's your fault." Louis frowns and goes toward Harry "how is it my fault? Huh?"

"You...if you were brave enough to kill the cockroach when you saw it first, it wouldn't be still alive and captured over my office right now!" Harry says pointing at Louis who rolls his eyes.

"Just say you expected me to be brave enough to kill it, but you aren't brave enough to kill that cock!"

Harry chokes on his spit and looks at Louis with wide eyes, "cock?"

Louis rolls his eyes sitting on the couch opposite Harry he says "short of cockroach. " Harry stares at Louis and shakes his head in disbelief "you're....so stupid!"

"Shut up and Speak for yourself!"

"You stop telling me to shut up"

"Mr Styles, Your cousin Aaron is here!"

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