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It was... Harry

"What do you want now? Did you stop me to see my tears and satisfy yoursel-" harry shuts Louis up by crashing his lips to his. Aaron was just about to push harry back but stops once he saw someone come out of the back door.

"Harry! What are you doing here-" Kendal stops when she saw harry forcefully kissing Louis who was struggling trying to push him off him, but the man was giant and stubborn.

Aaron growls and grabs harry shoulder pushing him back he says "he doesn't wanna kiss you! Stop forcing him!" He snaps at him and harry ignored him and looks at Louis who was standing there frozen in his spot.

Harry grabs Louis's hands "Louis, please don't leave me, Louis! I'm sorry for whatever I did but please-"

Louis pushes him back "SHUT THE FUCK UP! WHAT DO YOU TAKE ME AS? AM I A JOKE TO YOU?" he yells breathing heavily, Aaron glares as harry has a frown on his face.

"Louis please don't leave me-"

"I DON'T FUCKING WANT TO BE WITH YOU ANYMORE! FUCK OFF!" Louis turns and runs out of the venue. Aaron gives harry a last glare and runs after Louis.

Kendal crosses her arms and looks at harry with raised eyebrows "what the fuck did you just do?" Harry smirks and looks towards the bush beside "you can come out..."

A pap comes out of the bush with a camera in his hand. Kendal frowns as she watches harry pay to the pap "leak this Footage tomorrow and the headlines should be, 'Louis Tomlinson cheated his husband and gave him divorce once he was caught red handed' understood?"

The pap nods "yes Mr Styles" with that the pap leaves and harry turns to face a confused Kendal. "What was all that harry?"

Harry smirks, "no way in hell I'll be the bad guy in this story, it'll all will be blamed on Louis after this footage is released and I'll get rid of him forever...and my reputation will be not harmed as well!"

Kendal smirks and walks closer to him and strokes his jaw with his index finger whispering, "you're so smart harry... Now let's resume what we left earlier?"

Harry grabs her hand and pulls her close smirking and whispering back, "why not baby girl..."


"Louis please stop crying, you're hurting yourself. He's not worth your tears believe me!" Aaron rubs Louis back who was sobbing in his hands.

Aaron somehow convinced Louis to stay at his house tho Louis was not agreeing, he wanted to go back to his home Doncaster again... There's nothing left to see here any more.

"W-what was m-my fault, Aaron! I-i was from a p-poor family, t-that's why he ha-hated me since the d-day I married him....i-is it how it w-works?" Louis looks at Aaron with teary red eyes.

Aaron's heart breaks seeing tears in those pretty blue eyes. "No, love. That is not how it should work. In a marriage, two people are bonded together in a relationship and it takes both of them to make the marriage work out... You know one-sided love and caretake the relationship nowhere but it hurts the person who cares the most about it...it works that way, it's not at all your fault Louis... it's Harry's fault!"

Louis covers his face again and cries, "I don't know what to do! I w-wanna go back to my home Doncaster but...I can't... there's an ugly past waiting for me there, no way in hell I wanna go back to him."

Aaron frowns, he doesn't know what or whom Louis is talking about but he'll ask him these questions some other time.

"Don't cry anymore, Louis. You're wasting your precious tears on him who doesn't even have an idea what he just lost..." Aaron rubs Louis's shoulder as he sits up wiping his tears and taking deep breaths to stop his tears.

His throat was sore from holding back his sobs and tears... He's not a coward to sit and cry forever over a person who doesn't give a fuck about him.

"Let's go to sleep now it's late, we'll see what to do tomorrow yeah?" Aaron asks Louis who nods standing up. Aaron shows him the guest room "you can stay here as long as you want Louis, don't worry about anything... I hope you take me at least as a Fri-"

Louis hugs him tightly interrupting him. Aaron smiles and rubs his back hugging him back as tightly, "thank you Aaron...all these mean a lot to me...thank you"

"You're welcome, Louis..."


The next morning, when Louis was sitting on the breakfast table fiddling with his spoon looking at his breakfast, Aaron said "Louis... Do you want me to make you something else? Tell me what you wanna eat... I'll make it for you!"

Louis looks up at him and smiles at him "no Aaron it's fine... it's just that I'm not hungry." Aaron signs and sits in front of him, he won't know what to do to cheer him up.

"Uh..do you have social media?" Aaron asks trying to get Louis's mind off harry. "What's that?" Louis asks, he never had a phone in his life, what was he supposed to know!

"Okay, I'll tell you, it's an application on phone. It has different platforms like tweeter, Instagram and Facebook. You make an account with your profile on it and you can share your pictures and videos and make friends! It's... interesting."

Louis smiles at him and removes his phone from the back of his pocket, he borrowed some clothes from Aaron which surprisingly weren't swallowing him.

"Show me then... Make my profile." Aaron smiles and takes the phone and downloads Instagram and immediately makes a profile for Louis.

He goes and the first he does is follows himself, then he teaches Louis how it works and how to use it most simply.

"And thereby clicking here, you can send follow requ-"

"Aaron is that me?" Louis asks frowning looking at a video in the explorer section. Aaron has followed all the clothing brands from Louis's account so the latest updates were on top.

Aaron frowns and clicks on the video and then it starts showing where harry was kissing Louis last night and then the whole fight they had after it, also how Louis ran away and Harry was standing there.

"Oh...o-h my god Aaron!" Louis gasps when he looked at the caption to see,

'Famous model and also the CEO of Gucci, Harry Styles' husband Louis Tomlinson cheated on him and gave him divorce once he was caught red-handed with his secret 'lover''

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