I felt a tug on my t-shirt. I turned and there was Harley. She looked embarrassed. "Yes, Lele?" She shuffled her feet. I went to go pick her up and she took a few waddles back. I looked at her shorts. An obvious sag was hanging between her legs. "Does someone need a change?" Brad asked from behind me. Harley flushed, and stood there embarrassed. This is her first time awake, that she was little and needed a change. The rest Theo had helped her or she had done herself. I reached for her again, quicker this time, so as she went to shy away, I scooped her into my arms.

As I situated her in my arms, she squirmed. Theo whined loudly, "I want youuuuuu." Harley looked at me sadly, "Down." I looked at Theo first, " I said, no, Theo. Brad is going to change you." And then, I looked at Harley who was still moving around in my arms, "And no, we are going to change you and get you ready to go out." Harley froze, "Out?" I nodded, "Yes, we are going to go out for breakfast and go shopping." She shook her head frantically, "No.no.no. Please put me down, Will. Please." She wasn't little anymore. Theo cried out, "I don't wannaaaa."

Brad looked at me. "Let her go, Will. Help Theo first. Harley can handle getting herself ready." I sighed, he was right. I needed to focus on getting Theo out of headspace fully. I put her down, and she ran out of the room, well it was a weird run, with the thickness between her legs.

I went over to Theo, picking him up and placing him on his feet on the ground. He kept trying to stay in my arms, but I held him at an arm's length and looked him straight in the eye. "Theo, we are going out of this house. In public." He shook his head, "Uh uh." "Yes, we are. You need to smarten up. We don't want to cause a scene, do we?" He shook his head. "So you have two choices. You can either be big while we are out. Or you can stay little, but you have to behave." Theo whined, "But..." This time both Brad and I spoke at the same time, "Theo." He hesitated.

And as if a flip had been switched, Theo muttered, "This is your fault." I smiled, "That's my Theo." I ruffled his hair, and smiled at Brad, "He is all yours." I left the room, leaving Brad to figure out what to do with him. I went into the guest room, grabbing jeans and a white t-shirt, quickly throwing it on, with a red flannel on top. I put my boots on, and headed back downstairs. Hunter was in the entry area with Sawyer and Harley.

Sawyer and Hunter were in their usual, jeans and flannel mix, with a hoodie. Harley was in a blue cropped sweater with a white skater with it. She has her little white vans matched with it. Her hair falling around her face... She looked irresistible. It looked as if she did her makeup as well. She looked so pure, so beautiful. Hunter smirked at me, "Check yourself, man." I coughed and turned away, clearing my head. I turned back to them, Harley was flushed. Before anything else could be said, the other two entered the room.

Brad again, dressed like normal, but Theo looked miserable. He was in light gray sweats, and Black Pink Floyd hoodie, with the hood pulled on top of his head. His hair wasn't brushed. He looked exhausted and irritated.

Before I could ask why, Brad explained it for him, " I made him wear one of Harley's pull-ups." Hunter chuckled, and Sawyer slapped his head. He hushed. Theo blushed crimson. "Relax, bud, no one can see it." He groaned, "It's a girl's pull-up. It's pink. It has princesses on it. It's meant for babies. I don't need it. I'm 19."

Hunter reached over to Harley, and lifted her skirt, showing off her pink sleeping beauty pull up. Harley whined in reaction, stepping away, adjusting her skirt. She was hiding in Sawyer's side now, who glared at Hunter. Hunter said, "Look Theo, Harley is wearing one." Theo scoffed, "Okay? Your point? She is a girl. And she is a baby. She can't control her bladder like a baby. She needs them." Harley blushed, and fidgeted around. "Okay, first of all, leave Harley alone. The both of you. Theo, we will get you boys things after breakfast, but for now you have to wear that. No one can see it anyway. Relax." He grumbled but didn't say anything else.

We went outside, and the four of us headed over to my jeep, while Hunter and Sawyer, heading over to Hunter's F350. Harley seemed upset that Sawyer left, but she didn't say anything. I opened the back seat door and she climbed in, buckling herself. Brad got in the passenger seat, and I walked around the other side to see Theo refusing to get into the car.

I looked into the car, realizing why. It was the carseat I had put in for Harley. Brad and Harley both looked at us. "Theo, just get in." He shook his head, "Absolutely not." "Theo." I groaned. He stubbornly stood there. Hunter had already left with Sawyer. "Theo, we can't stand here all day." He didn't budge. Harley suddenly unbuckled and got out, coming around the car. "I'll do it, Theo can have my seat" She quietly offered.

You could tell she didn't want to either. Theo didn't need to be told twice, he went to the other side and buckled himself. I gently lifted Harley into the seat, buckling the belt across her chest and between her legs. She squirmed uncomfortably, but didn't say anything. Brad smiled at her, "thanks, honey." She didn't respond, she just looked out the window as I shut the door. I got in the car, and started driving. Theo stated, "I'm hungry." Brad responded, "Well, we could have already been there if you had just got into the seat. Instead you had to act like a child. And you didn't even thank Harley either." Theo hushed after that. 

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