Now you understood his intentions.

'Yes, all the investors will be there. There will be many politicians and businessmen,' you said with a smile.

You could see the reaction deep in your father's eyes.

'Of course, of course,' your father said nonchalantly, pausing for a second to make it look like he was thinking. 'You know what, I was thinking. Of course, as a family, we should support each other. Even though Mr. Lee has claimed you, you are still my daughter. I was thinking, maybe I should invest too, to show you my support.' Your father looked at you with an expression on his face as if he had just donated food to starving children.

'That's interesting,' you said, pretending like you were thinking about his proposal too, 'because as far as I have heard the Buja clan isn't doing so well lately,'

You could see Mr. Park shift in his chair uncomfortably but your father held his fake friendly pose.

'Really? Well, I'd love to know who you've heard it from because I assure you,' your father laughed but you interrupted him.

'I was assured by a very trustworthy source that since the Buja Clan's feud with Mr. Lee, a lot of backers have been pulling out. Being more afraid of Mr. Lee than the Buja Clan. I've heard that since I was claimed many have lost their trust in the Buja Clan, afraid that it wouldn't carry on since the heiress had been lost. Of course, little did they know I was never the heiress in the first place,' you said snidely.

'I am sure I have no idea,' your father began with a blank face, but you cut him off once more.

'So you deny that you still owe the Kahn Group money? And the SKZ Group? And Bangtan Enterprises? I'm pretty sure I heard you're millions in debt. Surely you don't have any money left to invest,' you asked.

You had done your research well. The Buja Clan was dying. There was a time you would've cared about this. But not anymore.

Your father's face was stale. Now that he knew you knew the truth, and the details, there was no point in lying anymore for him.

'Fine,' he said with a muscle pulling in his jaw, 'we need new deals so I need to attend the grand opening of your little gallery. We're family, we should help each other,'

'I agree that your attendance at the opening would probably help you a lot. I could talk you up to our investors, convince them to make a deal with you just how I convinced them to make one with me. But honestly, I don't really feel like it,' you said carelessly.

You felt powerful as you looked into the raging eyes of your father.

'Come on my dear. I bet Mr. Lee won't oppose. You said he'd let you do whatever you want right? How about you help your father, your family out. After all, who doesn't like a good family reunion? I bet your investors will love it. Seeing us all together as a family will only make them more sure of their investment. After all, family is important and people who take good care of their families take good care of their business relationships,' your father tried to argue, holding his anger in.

You clicked your tongue. 'One could think that. Except that I told them we've got no relationships with each other anymore. It would be a little weird wouldn't it? And I'm sure Mr. Lee wouldn't oppose me, he never does. But I oppose the idea. After all, you never took care of me either,' you said coldly.

'Watch you mouth young lady,' your father hissed, unable to keep in his anger any longer, 'I've raised you for years. Have you not gotten everything you ever wanted? Have I not bought you anything but the best? Have I not paid for your education, fed you, clothed you?'

Mr. LeeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang