27. Can You Believe

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"Hey Micah, we're going to get going," you smiled to your son and his newly-wedded wife, Shannon on his arm. Harry had an arm around your shoulders.

"Ok, have you both had a nice night?" He asked.

"It's been beautiful, you both did an amazing job with the planning," you smiled at them both. "Dad and I wanted to give you this," you handed him the small box that contained their 'big' wedding gift.

"Mum, Dad, you already paid for the venue for us. We didn't want anything," Micah said and Shannon nodded in agreement.

"We know, but we wanted to. We've given the same to your siblings and we wanted to give it to you too. So open it," you smiled excitedly. He opened the small box and noticed the two keys inside, each on a keychain with a picture from their engagement photoshoot. The address and a picture of the house on a piece of paper underneath the keys.

"We looked at this house and we put an offer in but they declined it because it was too low. Mum, Dad, this is way too much," Micah said looking down at the keys in his hand.

"It's not, you're our last born baby. Please, we want you to be happy. We seen the pictures in OK! Magazine of you both looking at houses, so we called your estate agent, please don't be mad. We only had your happiness in mind," you said and he pulled you into a hug and then hugged Harry.

"Thank you both. So much. We really appreciate it. From the bottom of our hearts," Shannon smiled at you.

You pulled Micah into another hug and held him tightly. "I'm so happy for you. You've made your dad and I so, so proud of you. I'm so blessed to have been chosen to be your mother," you smiled as you pulled away and held him at arms length.

"I'm the blessed one, I got to have you as a mother," you seen Harry hug Shannon quickly and then you both switched.

"Keep my boy happy, will you?" You said and she nodded. "I'm happy I have you as a daughter-in-law. You both make each other so happy."

"Thank you, Y/N. You raised a pretty amazing man," Shannon said and you pulled away.

While you were talking to Shannon, Harry pulled Micah into a hug. "You're an incredible man. I'm glad you're happy because you deserve it, you've always been the quietest out of all your siblings, and you were always a mummy's boy. But I liked that. Your brothers and sisters all clung to me as babies, but you clung to your mum. It was nice getting to see her interact with you the way I got to interact with your siblings. We love you so much, Micah. And I'm going to sound like a woman here, but you'll always be our baby," he nodded and patted his fathers back.

"Thanks dad. I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too."


"Is it weird that for the last 2 years we've lived here alone but it all of a sudden seems a lot quieter than it did last night now that all of our babies are officially married and off living their own lives?" You asked Harry. He pulled you in closer to him and kissed your lips gently.

"They're all off married yes, but their always our kids. No, we won't see them as often, but we'll always have our Sunday night dinner. We'll see them at least once a week. I mean look at Emilia, she's been married 11 years and I swear we've seen her more in the last 5 years than we did her teenage years," Harry laughed.

"Can you believe we have 4 grandkids of our own with 2 on the way?" You asked him and he shook his head. Emilia had a 4 year old son named William Harry, and a daughter called Hannah Y/N, with another baby girl on the way. Mason's wife had a girl named Jennifer Rose. And Ellie had a son called Christopher Edward with another on the way.

"But they all want big families, like us. And if they have a life that is filled with half the happiness you've given me, then they'll be the happiest people alive," you smiled at your husband.

"How's your back been? You were throwing some shapes on the dance floor?" You asked.

"It started acting up the last hour of the wedding," he answered. You were both 57 and you weren't getting any younger, your hip had started to bug you and Harry's back had started bugging him. But as long as you had each other, your kids, your grandkids and all of your families, you'd both live through all of the pain life had to offer.

A/N: So this is the last chapter of this book and the Harry Styles Series'. I hope you've all enjoyed reading these one shots as much as I've enjoyed writing them! I will be starting a Luke Hemmings One Shot book that will be a Wedding/Pregnancy/Baby/Children series in one instead of all different books, which is what I wish I done with all of the Harry books but too late now... After I have completed the Luke books I may come back and add to these or do Niall, Liam and Louis books. I may do Zayn but I'm not sure, he will be in the others though if I decided to do those.
-Nicole xx

Harry Styles One Shots // Book 6Where stories live. Discover now