2. First Big Fight

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Harry: Going to be late in tonight again. See you when I'm home. Eating dinner at studio .x

This was the second time he had forgotten about your romantic meal. You had been cooking his favourite curry all day and you had spent the last half hour lighting candles around the dining room and setting the table. You had both been together for 2 years now and you had moved in together but right now you felt like it was coming to an end because he had been so distant.

You ignored his text and went to blow all of the candles out. He'd probably go back to one of the guys house. He was at the studio today so no doubt he's gotten caught up in something they're doing.

Harry: I can't find my keys, did I leave them on the counter? Can you leave the door open? X

You looked at your phone and scoffed. You looked at the dish of keys and noticed his sitting there. You were tempted to lock the door but you decided against it.

You: Your keys are here.

You served yourself up some curry in a bowl and took it to the sofa to eat. You had finished, cleared up, put everything in the dishwasher, served Harry a plate and watched a movie when Harry came through the door.

"Baby? I'm home," you ignored him and snuggled deeper into the blanket that was covering you. "Hey, what are you doing?" You ignored him again, you couldn't really be doing with any of his excuses right now. "What did I do? Why am I receiving the silent treatment?" He asked but you ignored him again. You looked up at him, pain and confusion in his eyes.

"Your Tikka Masala is in the fridge," was all you said.

"Why did you order me dinner? I told you I was eating at the studio," he said and you looked up to the ceiling trying to stop your tears. You were mad that he forgot. You were beyond mad. Especially because this was the second time.

"I didn't fucking order you dinner. I slaved over a stove all day cooking it! And then I got dressed up because I thought you'd be home. Because you promised. You fucking promised me! But you blew me off again. I had this nice romantic meal planned and you forgot again. Do you know how shitty that makes me feel? Fuck you, Harry!" You screamed and walked into the kitchen taking his curry out of the fridge to put it in the bin.

"Don't put all of the blame on me! I've been busy with work. The guys needed me!" He shouted. You had took the lid off of the curry and was lifting it up to put it in the bin when he said that and you threw it back on the counter, the curry splattering in all directions.

"Liam was home by 6 o'clock, Styles. Oh wait...so was Louis, Niall and Zayn. It was only you working late so don't fucking pull that card. If you don't want to spend time with me just fucking tell me!" You screamed.

His face turned red with anger.

"Maybe you should just fucking leave then! Oh wait, you have no where to fucking go!" He shouted back.

"Low blow! You're a fucking dick. I have plenty of places to go, and everyone of them I'd rather be right now," you screamed back.

"Well, go then! Does it look like I care?" He said walking out of the kitchen. You followed him.

"Maybe we should just finish this whole thing then. Thanks for an amazing two years, Harry," you whispered. He didn't say anything. Just continued to walk to wherever he was going, he went upstairs and you grabbed your bag, keys and went out to your car, racing it down the driveway before he got the chance to come after you.


The regret swirling through his body was on an all time high. He wasn't working tonight. He was trying to organize the details of what he would do to ask you. To ask you to marry him. He has been worried and stressed over the last couple of weeks and he knew forgetting about two dates was shitty of him to do.

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