14. Paparazzi Problems

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You and Harry had just announced your second pregnancy, which meant paparazzi was at an all time high. Emilia was only 11 months old, and she was constantly babbling to herself. You and Harry both knew the new baby was a boy, and had decided on the name Mason Edward.

You were both in New York for the Jimmy Kimmel Show on which Harry had announced your pregnancy. That was 2 nights ago, and yesterday you were going to try and take Emilia to the Zoo, but plans fell through when you seen the amount of paparazzi. You couldn't even get out of the hotel, if it were just you and Harry you'd probably both have chanced it, but you had Emilia and your other unborn baby to worry about, so settled on watching Peppa Pig all day, cuddled in your hotel room.

Today, Harry had made lunch reservations for the three of you at Serafina, an Italian restaurant. The hotel had already told you that there was a back service entrance you could leave through but you'd have to come back in through the front entrance. You decided that you couldn't keep Emilia in a hotel room for the rest of your stay, so you decided that you would leave through the service entrance and hope that the majority of paparazzi had left by the time you get back.

Walking along the hallway, Harry was pushing Emilia's stroller and making faces at her, cooing at the small baby causing her to laugh. You smiled at the stong bond they had created already.

"Is my baby girl going to get some pizza?" He joked with her before putting his arm around you, pushing the stroller with his other hand. "Or are you going to have some milk and then some puréed bananas when we get back?" He asked and Emilia opened her mouth letting an excited squeak come out.

"Are you talking sweet pea? Are you?" You cooed and she looked to you, letting a smile grace her beautiful face.


"I'm glad we weren't followed," you smiled over at Harry who had Emilia sitting on his lap in Serafina.

"Me too, I still feel really anxious about her first real situation with the paps. She's still so small and sensitive to the world, I can't have them sticking flashing cameras in her face," you nodded and patted his hand over the table. Emilia started to squirm and reach for you. You took another bite of your pasta and then took Emilia into your arms.

She pulled at your shirt and then it made sense what she wanted. "Shit, I forgot the bottles," you whispered and Harry looked up to you, his mouth full of Garlic Bread.

"Just nurse her," he said, shrugging and you looked around. People were eating, you didn't know if anyone would have a problem with it so you weren't sure what to do. Emilia got louder and louder and you decided there was nothing else to do.

"Can you pass me a blanket?" He stood up and slid into your side of the booth. He unfolded the blanket and placed it over the top of your body. You fiddled with your bra and top until you were free and you placed the blanket over Emilia. She knew exactly what she was doing now and latched on immediately.

You looked around the restaurant nervously but no one seemed to be bothering. A couple of people looked over, smiled gently, and then looked away. Harry pulled you into his side gently and kissed your cheek.

"Don't worry baby. It's natural to nurse your baby. If anyone has a problem they'll have me to answer too," you smiled at him and were so glad that you had him in your life.


"Babe, there's so many," you said nervously pushing Emilia's stroller back and forth as you both looked out of the restaurant into the sea of paparazzi waiting outside.

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