23. Fan Encounters

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Anne had organized a family meal for everyone at T.G.I Friday's tonight. As soon as you walked into the restaurant and said 'reservation for Twist' you were being led to a pretty secluded table. Thankfully there was room to leave Mason's stroller while he was still finishing his nap, without blocking any pathways.

"Hi Mum," Harry smiled and gave Anne a hug. "Dad," he gave Robin a hug and then moved onto his sister.

You pushed Mason's stroller to an empty space and opened up the canopy so you could see him. He was starting to stir with all of the noise in the restaurant and you stroked his cheek, lifting him out of the stroller and holding him against your chest. "Hi Anne, Robin," you smiled and gave both of them a kiss on the cheek and then you walked to Gem, giving her a hug.

"You think you can sit on a big girl chair or shall we get you a Tripp Trapp?" Harry asked a five year old Emilia and she thought about it.

"Tripp Trapp please, daddy," he nodded and flagged the first waiter he seen who was quick to run off and return with a highchair.

You sat down on the seat across from Gemma, Harry beside you across from Anne and Emilia at the top of the table in her high chair, beside you and Gemma, and across from Robin at the other end.

"How is my little nephew doing? You had his 3 month check up today didn't you?" Gemma asked you, motioning to the small boy in your arms.

"Yeah, he's progressing perfectly, he's starting to try and sit up on his own already, I feel like I had him yesterday and he's growing up already," Harry laughed and placed an arm around your shoulders. "And then missy here, she's becoming quite the little sass princess," you chuckled and Anne looked at you like she couldn't believe it. Harry nodded, backing you up.


Gemma was currently having a cuddle with Mason while you tried to come to a decision with Emilia about what she wanted to eat.

"Em, come on you like chicken fingers," you said and pointed at the picture on her kids menu.

"I don't like those ones," you shook your head.

"You've never had these ones, Emilia," you said and she shrugged.

"What about that tomato pasta? You like pasta," you tried but she shook her head.

"I don't like that pasta," she said and you knew she was trying to show off. Anne, Robin and Gemma watched on with open mouths. Now they had seen the sass that she had accumulated the last few weeks, out of no where.

"I guess you don't want to eat anything then and Daddy can make you something when we get home," you said and moved along the bench, back to where Harry was placing an arm around your shoulder.

"I want chicken fingers, Mumma," she said and you looked over to her.

You looked over to her and seen her embarrassed face. "Ok, Chicken Fingers it is," you smiled to her and passed her the colouring book she had brought along to keep her occupied.

"Thank you, Mumma," she smiled and you nodded.

"Uh oh, I think someone's hungry," Gemma smiled as Mason's face contorted and you knew the gurgles were soon going to turn into screams. Harry pulled away from you and grabbed the baby bag, pulling out your nursing apron.

"Are you guys ok with..." You looked down to your chest and they all nodded so Harry placed the apron over your head. You undid your shirt and unclipped your bra while Harry took a fussing Mason from his sister and then placed him under the apron. You looked down as you took the baby and he quickly latched on as he found what he had been looking for.

You noticed a couple of people taking sneaky pictures, as they were leaving, of you all and you shuffled uncomfortably fiddling to make sure you couldn't see anything.


Harry cut the last chunk of chocolate cake you were both sharing in two and stabbed one of them with his fork, holding it out to you. You opened your mouth and he fed it to you, Anne taking a quick picture.

"Hi," you heard a shy voice say and you looked up to see two girls. One around 13 and the other around 15. "We're so sorry to interrupt but we were wondering if we could have a picture with you?" She asked Harry and he smiled at the two girls nodding.

Harry stood up and placed an arm around the younger girl why the older girl took the picture.

"Why do they want a picture with my daddy?" Emilia asked loudly, and Harry chuckled.

"Because your daddy's a great singer and they really like his singing," Gemma said, laughing and after the older girl had her picture taken, she turned to Harry.

"Would it be ok if I spoke to her?" She asked shyly and Harry nodded.

"Of course," he came and sat beside you again, where Emilia was sitting on the other side of you after eating her dinner, she wanted out of her highchair.

"Hi Emilia, my name's Emma. And this is Jessa. Did you have a nice meal?" The older one asked and Emilia nodded.

"I had Chicken Fingers. I didn't think I liked them but they were really good. My Mumma had pasta and my Daddy had a burger. What did you have? Was it good?" Emilia asked and you and Harry chuckled.

"I had pasta the same as your mumma, and it was very good," Emilia nodded.

"My mumma's pasta was really good too. She gave me a bite. Did you know I had a little brother? His name's Mason. He's super cute. Look, my mumma's holding him," Emilia said, excitedly. You waved at the two girls and the cooed at the small baby in your arms.

"Our parents are leaving now, we have to go. But it was so good to talk to you Emilia. And your brother is super cute," Emma said, the younger girl shying behind her sister.

"Can we be friends?" Emilia asked and you smiled at her.

"Of course, the best of," Emma said and they gave each other a hug and the two girls walked away, Emma turning back to the group. "Thank you so much for taking a picture with us. Sorry for interrupting your meal, it was lovely to meet you all," she said and then continued to walk.

"Did you like meeting Daddy's fans?" You asked Emilia and she nodded.

"She's my new friend, mumma. Can I meet more of your fans, Daddy?" Harry chuckled.

"We'll have to see, baby girl."

Harry Styles One Shots // Book 6Where stories live. Discover now