7. I Need You (Part 1)

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Harry was on tour for the last 2 months of your pregnancy, due to come home two days before your due date. He also made sure to come home whenever he had breaks in between shows. Gemma was spending this week with you incase you went into labour she would be your birthing partner if Harry wasn't here. You were stressed and tired with taking care of Emilia, Mason and Ellie while carrying around another child. Emilia was beyond helpful while her daddy was gone, bedtime more so than anytime. She would occupy four-year old Mason while you put Ellie down, and then she would change into her pajamas, and sit on her bed with a storybook waiting for you while you put Mason down. And then you had a snuggle with your eldest princess, which was what you were doing tonight.

"Mumma? Can you sleep with me tonight?" She asked, making you smile. You knew it must be hard for her being the oldest and doing everything herself while you helped the two younger kids who still needed it, you knew Emilia must feel a little left out.

"Of course princess, how about we move into mine and Daddy's bed?" You proposed since your feet hung over the end of her bed. She nodded and you smiled at her lifting up the book she had chosen for the night. The same as every night when Harry was gone, My Daddy's Going Away. It was a children's book that was about the characters father going away to work, but no matter what happened, he always came back.

You read the book to her, with her cuddling into your side and by the time you reached the 10th page, she was out for the count.

"Goodnight princess," you whispered, kissing her lightly. A sharp pain shot through your stomach but you put it down to the indian food you had ate tonight, just gas. You grabbed your phone off of the bedside cabinet and snapped a quick picture of Emilia sleeping on you, you smiling attaching it in a text to Harry.

Goodnight my love. The kids and I miss you lots. I've got gas pains after the indian takeout so we'll FaceTime tomorrow? I love you xx

You waited for a couple minutes and then a reply came through.

Goodnight, baby. I miss you all, too. Give hugs and kisses for me, tell them I love them and I'll be home in a week. Talk to you tomorrow. I love you .xx

You smiled and placed your phone back on the bedside table and closed your eyes before another pain startled you but you ignored it and snuggled closer to your daughter.

"Mumma! Mumma, wake up! You wet the bed," the small girl beside you shook you awake and you looked at the clock. 3:57am. You then looked down and noticed your grey short pajamas were soaked.

"Princess, I need you to go to Auntie Gemma's room and tell her that it's happening," you said and she nodded, jumping off the King bed and taking off down the hallway. You made your way into the closet, pulling on a pair of Harry's sweatpants and a hoodie that, thankfully was still loose on you. A sharp contraction spread through your stomach, the pain radiating to your back and thighs. "You can't come now Micah, Daddy isn't here," you whispered, but he was in a rush, you had been through this three times before to know that he was coming fast, and he wasn't waiting for anyone. Gemma rushed into your bedroom.

"Ok, I've called Sophia and she'll meet us at the hospital to look after the kids," you nodded, a low groan escaping your mouth as another pain spread through you.

"Gem, we gotta go. I'll get the keys, the car seats already installed in the Escalade in the garage and can you get Mase and Ellie?" You asked your sister-in-law.

"When did you get an Escalade?" She asked confused.

"Just before Harry left. The Range Rover doesn't fit all of the kids in it now with this little one coming," you moaned and she nodded.

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