22. Snuggles

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"Shall we get you ready before Grandma comes? Should we?" Harry cooed to the small baby resting in his arms. The baby gurgled back to him and Harry's smile lit up. "Grandma's come to see you, handsome. She's so excited, yes she is," Harry spoke in his baby voice. You smiled from your spot on the sofa, still in pain from giving birth to your fourth baby only two days ago. "Do you want to spend time with Mumma while I go get your clothes and we can change you down here?" The baby gurgled again at the recognition of his fathers voice. "Say 'hi Mumma, I've come to have cuddles'. You're just the cutest aren't you?" Harry cooed once more before kissing Micah on the head and handing him to you.

You placed the small boy onto your chest and smiled as he snuggled in closer. You had a feeling that out of the kids, Micah would be the one who clung to you. So far Emilia and Mason clung to Harry. If they were hurt, they went to Harry. If they wanted to talk, they went to Harry. If they felt sick, they went to Harry. And Ellie was split between the both of you, whomever she seen first she would confide in or ask for help. But you had a feeling that Micah would come to you, and you felt the exact same amount of love for each of your children, there was no favouritism.

"Hi Handsome Micah. How was your nap? Was it good? Oh look at that little nose, you look so much like your Daddy, don't you?" You cooed and Harry walked back into the living room at that moment.

"Jeans, that stretch so they're comfortable, a white vest and a white t-shirt, and if we go out his little YSL brown coat," Harry smiled holding up the items of clothing.

"You really want your sons to be Mini-Me's don't you?" You smirked and he shrugged. "What are the other kids doing?" You asked.

"They're still watching Finding Nemo," he answered smiling at the thought of his 3 older babies who were currently cuddled in their parents bed watching a movie.

Harry laid a changing mat on the floor before placing Micah's outfit on it and then crawling over to you to take him from your chest and change you. You shuffled on the sofa to sit up and watch Harry put Micah into clothes, watch them bonding, your favourite time of the day.

"Should we get you out of these pyjamas, little one?" He unclipped the clips and slipped the onesie off of the newborn. "Look at that little belly. Aren't you just the chubbiest, cutest, most handsome thing ever!" He placed kisses on Micah's belly causing the tiny baby to flail his arms and legs. Seeing as his diaper had been changed only 20 minutes prior, Harry placed the babies vest over his head, before buttoning it over the nappy. "Let's get these little jeans on shall we? They're not quite as tight as mine," he joked looking up at you and smiling. Your eyes were glazed watching your husband and your son interact so easily. It was the most beautiful thing you had witnessed. And you had been able to witness it with all of your 4 babies. Harry placed the t-shirt over Micah's face and then pulled it down, "keek-a-boo!" He said and Micah's mouth opened and he flailed around again.

Your husband was definitely the best father you could have ever asked for your kids to have.


"Where's my grand babies?" Anne shouted through the house as she opened the door.

"Grandma!" Three voices shouted and you smiled at the noise of three sets of feet, running along the floorboards upstairs, and eventually running down stairs.

"There's my beautiful family! How are you all, my loves?" Anne spent a few minutes of talking to each of the kids, and no doubt showering them in kisses, hugs and compliments. You stayed put on the sofa knowing that Anne would give you a row of you moved and Harry continued massaging your calves because he knew that his mother would give him a row for not taking care of his wife, only a couple of days after giving birth.

"You lot go back and finish off your movie. I'll wait down here with your Mummy, Daddy and the baby. But I want cuddles when it's finished!" Anne warned and you heard them all agree before running back upstairs. "Now that's what I like to see," she smiled as she walked into the living room. Micah was nursing and she smiled down at him. "Oh he's so beautiful," she said and you smiled at her. "I'll have my cuddle once he's done," she smiled.

"Hi Mum, how was the drive down?" Harry asked as he moved your legs to stand and give his mum a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi Hun, it was ok. Traffic was horrendous passing though London but once I got past the town it was ok," she smiled as Micah unlatched and you fixed yourself back into your bra and nursing tank top.

"Here, give me the handsome devil. I'll burp him" Anne said dropping all of her bags and taking the burp cloth from your hand. You smiled and handed her the small boy.

"Oh, look at you. Aren't you just the tiniest little thing I've seen in a while," Anne bopped up and down while patting Micah on the back and within a couple of minutes, you all heard a loud burp considering it came from such a tiny baby. "Oh, that was a big burp. Are you all full up and happy now? Is it time for another sleep, my love? And you're going to snuggle with Grandma while you sleep, aren't you? Yes, you are my little handsome grandson!" She smiled as she dropped the burp cloth to the sofa and sat down while snuggling with Micah. He immediately snuggled into her chest and you smiled over at the two of them.

"How are you feeling anyway, my darling?" She asked and you shrugged.

"I'm ok, sore but he makes it all worth it. And tired but your son here took a couple of the night feeds last night with the bottles I expressed and it really helped to get some sleep. So I think he wants to start doing that but I don't know," you said trailing off and you seen Harry shake his head.

"You know as long as he's drinking expressed milk it doesn't matter. Des done that with H. He took every second night feed and let me sleep for longer intervals. It helps a lot with recovery. And you have three other kids to think about, they want to spend time with you too, and if you're not sleeping during the night, it may not be the best thing to play with them during the day, because then you'll just become exhausted," Anne said and you could see her point.

"Fine, but only because you turned out pretty great," you smiled at Harry and he smiled back.

"You know," Anne started while looking down to Micah in his arms. "I'm so proud of you both. You've both accomplished so much over the years and you have 4 beautiful kids who think the world of you, and you both genuinely love each other. You don't listen to what others say, you just focus on each other. And it's a beautiful thing to see. I'm really proud to call you my son, and you my daughter-in-law. And you both make beautiful babies which is an upside for me," Anne chucked and pressed a kiss to Micah's forehead.

"Can we have cuddles with Mumma and Daddy?" Emilia asked as your three other kids poked their heads around the door frame.

"Of course you can, get in here my little munchkins," you smiled and Mason and Emilia made a beeline for their father, but Ellie came straight for you.

And no matter who went to who, as long as they had someone to go to, everything was fine. And so long as everyone loved each other equally, everything was great. And so long as everyone stayed together as a family, everything was perfect. Your little family was perfect.

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