16. Maybe It Doesn't Work Anymore

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Harry's 47, Emilia's 23, Mason's 20, Ellie's 18, and Micah's 16.

Harry was whisking you away for your 25th Wedding Anniversary for the weekend. You were both sitting in the airport, you still not sure where he was taking you. "Can I please see the boarding passes? I just want to know where we're going?" You groaned and he shook his head.

"No, I'm going for a walk," he said distantly and you sighed. He had been acting distant for a few days now and you weren't sure what for. He had been super jumpy and secretive lately and you didn't know why. It was starting to bug you. You watched him walk away and push his hair away from his face nervously.

You played Candy Crush, your newest addiction, while he was gone. And when he returned he picked up his jacket and held his hand out for you to take. You took it and stood up. He led you to a gate and you looked at the screen:

Air France. AF4271. Paris.

"Babe, you know I would have been happy with a quiet night in right?" You asked and all he did was nod and shuffle awkwardly on his feet. He was nervous and you couldn't help but think of the one thing that had crossed your mind lately.

Had he been cheating on you?


"Babe, this bed is incredible," you smiled to him as you flopped down on the California King.

"Yeah, it looks good," he said, forcing a smile at you. "I'm going to take a quick shower."

"You want me to join you?" You smirked.

"My backs been acting up. Maybe we should just relax tonight?" You shrugged and he walked into the bathroom. You text the kids telling them that you loved them and missed them lots and then you heard the water turn off in the bathroom. Harry's phone made a noise and you were tempted to look but refrained. "Can you read that text? It's probably just Niall," he shouted and you walked over to look. It was just a number.

Yesterday was perfect. Absolutely amazing. Don't worry about it, H.
-S .x

You froze. That text said a lot more than what you had hoped. You dropped his phone, grabbed your bag and ran out of the room. Paris just wasn't the right place for you both. Nothing ever seemed simple or easy when you were here. You slammed the hotel door shut and ran to the elevator. You couldn't believe your suspicions were true. He actually cheated on you. Yesterday. Right before he brought you to Paris for a 'romantic' get away. You couldn't believe any of this.

Your phone started buzzing like crazy in your bag. You reached in and pulled it out.

Harry: Where are you? I know what that text looks like but you got the wrong idea. As anyone would. Please come back .xxx

Emilia: I love and miss you too but mum, where are you? Dad's going crazy! Please go back to him mum. He can explain xx

Micah: Mum! Dad is going out of his mind. Go back to him. He's going crazy. Xx

Ellie: Mum! Dad is so upset. He's babbling on about how you think he cheated on you and it's all his fault because he's been acting weird. What's going on? X

Mason: Dad wants you to know he loves you and he'd never cheat on you. It's all just a misunderstanding. Just tell him where you are, Mumma. You can't run forever.xxx

You typed out a quick text to Harry.

I'm at the love bridge but please don't come looking for me. I just need some time.

He called you as soon as the message was delivered and you answered it. Maybe it was all a misunderstanding.

"Hello?" You said.

"Baby. Oh my God, are you ok?" He asked worriedly.

"Maybe it doesn't work anymore. Maybe we should take a break, 25 years is a long time," you whispered and you heard him cuss under his breath.

"I have never, and will never cheat on you. We've been married 25 years tomorrow, baby. Why would I want to cheat on you when you're all I've ever wanted? I can explain everything if you just come back or you at least let me come to you," he said and you nodded.

"Ok, you can come. But you explain everything when you get here," you said.

"Ok, ok. I'm coming right now. Don't move!" He said frantically. "I love you." And then he hung up.

You went into a small store and bought a padlock and a sharpie. You quickly wrote something on the padlock and walked to the middle of the bridge. You had wrote 'Harry & Y/N. 25 Years' on the padlock and were leaning down to lock it when Harry came running along the bridge shouting your name. You stood up and faced him when you noticed the kids running behind him. What were they doing here?

"Wait, please. I had this all planned out for tomorrow because I thought we'd be tired and spend the night wrapped up in bed together, tonight. But now you think that I've been cheating on you I'm going to do it now. That text you read is from Sharon, an event planner Niall recommended. I needed her to fly out here and get everything ready. She did so yesterday. That's why she said everything was perfect. Everything's set up, up the Eiffel Tower, in the private room. The kids are here for a reason, babe. I knew you always wanted to renew your vows, for your 25th wedding anniversary, with your kids part of the proposal, planning and wedding. And that's what I want to do for you. So basically, why I've been acting strange is because I'm nervous. I know I've been acting like a dick, but I feel like I'm doing this for the first time again. So, Y/N, will you marry me, again?" Your hands were shaking and a couple of tears fell out of your eyes. Harry was holding a ring in his outstretched hand similar to the one resting on you finger already, and the one resting on Emilia's hand. You nodded and forgot about everything else for a minute putting your arms around Harry's neck and pulling him closer to kiss him. You smiled as you both broke away to see Emilia and Ellie crying, and you were sure you saw tears in Masona nod Micah's eyes but you knew they'd both deny it, whereas their father had tears freely streaming down his face. "I know you didn't want a new ring. But I seen this and knew that you'd love it," he smiled as he took the engagement and wedding ring off of your finger and slipped the new one on, putting the two rings into the box the new one came out of.

"I hate you for making me think that you cheated on me, you know that right?" You laughed and he nodded.

"I was nervous! I didn't want to give anything away! And you know how I am with secrets," he laughed and you shook your head. "How about we lock this together?" He asked, touching your hand with the lock in it.

You both leaned down and locked it smiling. "Now you throw the key," he said and you turned, back facing the water looking at your kids and threw the key into the water below. You wished that everything would stay as it was. Because as it was. It was perfect.

Harry Styles One Shots // Book 6Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora