"But you also know Myriad better than any of us." Kara said.

"If you're sure you can trust me, then I won't let you down, but maybe we should wait until we get a base of operations established first." Lena said and Kara nodded in agreement.

"We're checking out that abandoned DEO facility J'onn told us about this weekend." Kara said and Lena smiled.

"Got it. But is there any chance that we can spend the rest of our lunch break actually being a regular couple. Speaking of which, when do you think Cat's going to get wind of that?" Lena asked and Kara chuckled.

"No clue and I'm not rushing it, just because knowing her, she'd likely make it a cover story for Catco's gossip column." Kara said.

"Yeah, let's not think about that." Lena said and Kara sighed as they went back to their lunch.

That weekend, Kara, Lena, Alex, Kelly, Nia and J'onn were checking out the former DEO desert facility.

"Okay, someone has clearly been maintaining this place, since I was expecting it to look a lot more dead." Kara said as they looked around the facility to find that it was very well taken care of.

"You're right. I was expecting dust and equipment in need of repair, but this place almost looks like it's still in use. Even though it's supposed to be abandoned." Alex said.

"Unless there's still something in here worth keeping contained. Or someone." J'onn said.

"Split up into teams and search the base. We need to know what else is here so we can have it moved to a more secure location." Kara said and they all nodded as they broke off into groups. Kara and Lena, Alex and Kelly and then finally, Nia and J'onn as they went in separate directions.

"So, am I the only one who feels a bit awkward now?" Nia asked J'onn as they walked through the base.

"What do you mean?" J'onn asked.

"I mean, first Alex and Kelly and now Kara and Lena are a couple." Nia said.

"Which is long overdue honestly." J'onn said.

"Yeah, you don't need to be a mind reader to notice that kind of tension between them. But still, we're now the only members of the superfriends who are single since I haven't found Brainy yet and it sounds like M'gann is still on Mars." Nia said and J'onn chuckled.

"I understand what you mean, but still, I'm sure we'll get there eventually and in the meantime, let's be happy that Kara and Lena and Alex and Kelly have found happiness." J'onn said.

"Right. But anyways, I wonder why this base is still in working order if it was abandoned." Nia said.

"I don't know. When I took over Henshaw's life, I just went based off of what I read in his file, not to mention other people's memories of him, since I didn't exactly have a chance to read his mind before I thought he died." J'onn said as they approached a door that clearly read high security, considering how many security measures had been put in place.

"Looks like whatever's in here is something Henshaw did not want to get out." Nia said and J'onn nodded.

"Kara, Alex, I think we may have found something. Head towards the southeast section of the base." J'onn said over the comms.

"How are we going to get in?" Nia asked.

"I'll phase through the door and then let you in." J'onn said as he did exactly that, walking right through the door before opening it from the inside.

"Wow, looks like we definitely found whatever Henshaw was keeping in this place, since it looks like it's still in operation." Nia said as she entered the room to find some sort of chamber with tubes connecting it with tanks.

"Must have been an extremely dangerous prisoner, since it looks like this is some sort of cryogenic chamber, designed to keep its occupant in hibernation." J'onn said.

"Are there any records on who's inside it?" Nia asked.

"Not that I can see, but according to these monitors, it looks like they're still alive." J'onn said, pointing out the monitors that showed the subject's vitals.

"Do you think we should open it?" Nia asked.

"Not until Lena gets here. We could end up doing more harm than good if we make a mistake." J'onn said and Nia nodded, right as she accidentally bumped into a lever, knocking it down, causing the stasis pod's exterior to open, but not releasing it's inmate.

"Oh my god." Nia said when they saw who was inside.

"This explains why I could never find him. Because Henshaw already did. And he's been locked up here all this time." J'onn said.

"Kara, use your superspeed to get yourself and others to our position now. We found a prisoner. One who's face we recognize." Nia said over the comms.

"Who is it?" Kara asked and Nia placed her hand on the glass of the chamber, looking at the prisoner with tear filled eyes.

"It's Brainy." Nia said as she looked at the love of her life floating in the tank.

Second Chances: Supergirl - Rough DraftWhere stories live. Discover now