Chapter 42:A Time For Potential Change

Start from the beginning

Priscilla: (Holds a very proud grin on her face) Congratulations, Yamoshi. It is not everyday when one can make a powerful Goddess speechless.

Vlora: ....Your words...are indeed unbelievable... Yet they are incredible beyond what I can say. (She glances at both Priscilla and Lucille) To think it was humans that have such an impact for change like this, it is indeed awe-inspiring. You both must be quite proud of his achievements.

Priscilla: All credit goes to him. I merely encouraged him to take the right path when he was younger, yet it was him who broke all limits in his way to be where he is now.

Lucille: He is strong not because of our guidance, but by his own will to change and grow.

Yamoshi: (Scoffs) Don't downplay yourselves. The reason I am able to keep my Saiyan bloodlust for battle in control is not merely because of my power. It is your acts of kindness and love that I am able to keep my own self in check. I would never have come this far without either of you and don't you dare deny it! This home of ours is the reason why I stand against the forces of evil, why I can face Y(N) in battle regardless of my own fear. You truly have no idea how far your support goes, for without any of you...I would have given up on this path a long time ago.

Lucille: (She chuckles softy as she pats his head) Alright, alright. Don't get so flustered now. Any longer and you'll be as red as the tomatoes in the garden.

Yamoshi: (Serious expression intensifies) Do I look flustered to you? I was only speaking my mind.

Lucille: (Smirks) If you actually ever spoke your mind, you'd really be speechless.

Yamoshi: And this is exactly why I treasure the time I don't spend with you.

As the two continued bantering on one another, Vlora smiled at this display before turning her attention once more to Priscilla.

Vlora: You've done well, Priscilla. It is good to know my endeavors and decisions for this place have not gone to waste. I am proud of your accomplishments here, I truly am. I never thought it would come to this. Yet everything has worked out for the better...For the first time in years...

Priscilla: Did you truly doubt me and my vision for this place?

Vlora: If I must be truthful, then yes, I did. Especially when learning that you have decided to raise a Saiyan on your own and here of all places. Anyone else would have either turned him away, have him killed or worse....Yet you saw past what his kind have done... You saw something in him which no else did, not even his own kind... So please, accept my apology... I should never have doubted you from the start.

Priscilla: I do not blame you for your disbelief in me. Their kind as many others have been hunting yours for quite some time now. It is no wonder you were so cautious for the past few decades. And even though you were hesitant about allowing me to raise Yamoshi, I'm glad that you finally gave in and allowed me to do so. My life has definitely changed for the better in doing so. You've played quite the key role here, so I must thank you in turn.

Vlora: Please, there is no need to thank me. (She recalls past memories) Trust me...I am unworthy of such words of praise.

While Vlora was lost in thought, Yamoshi took this opportunity to call out and ask her something...

Yamoshi: Um, Miss Goddess? Pardon my sudden interruption. If I may-

Vlora: (Her quiet expression turns to a more friendly one) Young One, you may call me Vlora.

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