The Monster Federation and the Holy Empire

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Within the Farmus castle.

"I will not stand for  becoming a vassal nation! That would be the end of Farmus! Not only would our position be uncertain, but it is simply preposterous to be duty-bound to monsters!" A man yells out.

"Shall we pay the reparations then? But wasn't it thousand steller gold coins?!"

"That's equivalent to one million gold coins, or twenty percent of our country's tax revenues..."

"Listen well, all of you. I wish for you to hear my thoughts. We lost the war against them. I chose to attack them not for my people, but for my own desire. That is despite receiving advice from wise and far-sighted people." King Falmuth says.

"Brother... Ahem I mean my liege. Does our prideful king admit defeat?"

"Pride? You saw Edward? That is meaningless in front of them! Even those who weren't present have heard of it correct? What my appearance was when I returned. Would you care to experience that for yourself? No amount of honor  or pride can shield the people. But I understand that to ask you all to give up your pride as nobles is too much. You would never make the choice to become vassal state of the monster nation. So that leaves us with two paths. Pay the reparations. Or continue this war that we will lose. It's ironic for me to say this now but. I'm asking you to choose for the sake of the people!" King Falmuth explains to the nobles.

Suddenly someone comes into the door.

"Apologies for the interruption!"

"Cease! We're currently in a very serious..." A noble says but is cut off.

"Forgive me! This is a very important message from the guild! There has been a major shift of influence among the demon lords! With the death of the 'Marionette Master,' Both the 'Beast master and the Sky queen' have relinquished their demon lord status and joined the ranks of the 'destroyer.' Consequently, the ten great demon lords turned into eight, and from now on they shall be known as the "OCTAGRAM" "



"The numbers don't add up? Who are the others?

"Yes although it seems to be a provisional alias, given that they have yet to establish their own epithets, One of them is called Kyru Tempest. 'Demon King' the other one 'Rising Star' Rimuru tempest. After the chancellor of the Great Jura Forested defeated the "Marionette master," They become demon lords!" The knight explains to the nobles.

Suddenly the room filled in uproar.

"So its settled then... Even without taking the storm dragon into consideration we cannot underestimate the threat of the demon lords Kyru and Rimuru. There is only one option left to choose. We will pay t he reparations and I will abdicate the throne. And I will have Edward succeed me. A new era of hardships lies upon Farmus. I leave it to you brother."

"Ahem... Yes first of all we must hear everyone's opinion" 

("Calm down it still to early to celebrate"...) Edward

"If no one objects I shall respectfully accept, brother."

("Everything is going smoothly so far...) Razen

Back at Tempest.

"I'm back Rimuru-sama!"

"Oh! Welcome back shuna. Its a relief to see you in good health too Souei. So... is this the skeleton you were talking about?"

"It's god!"

"Yes... This is the former Wight king Adalman and his men. They closely followed us through "Spatial movement." Souei explains to Rimuru.

That time I got reincarnated as a demon. (Sds x slime cross over)Where stories live. Discover now