The champion Shizue Izawa

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"The town is starting too look nice Rimuru" Kyru says excitingly to Rimuru with a smile on his face. "Yeah finally starting the town, I just want to live a peaceful life where monsters and humans can live a amongst one another without fear."

"Rimuru-Sama the town is looking very nice! It's all thanks too you! If it wasn't for you we wouldn't be here right now!" Rigurd piped into their conversation, Kryu making a weird face as he listened to how Rigurd spoke. 

-Somewhere in the Veldoras cave-

Rimuru had left to go to the Veldoras Cave as he felt a strange surge of power. While exploring he approached a door, the slime slowly opening, but the moment he heard four unfamiliar voices echoing in the cave, he instantly hid. 

"Veldoras powers are really gone" Rimuru listened to the female's comment as he looked around, his eyes falling upon a girl and two boys. He then masks his presence, hoping they wouldn't find him. If he didn't hide his presence then his magicoles would explode and fly everywhere. 

 "Hey everyone stick together because we don't know if Veldora is still here or not but we have to investigate." The male leader of the group spoke out as they began traveling further into the cave.

 As Rimuru watched the trio go further into the cave, he slipped out of cave unseen. "Did anyone else feel that feeling?" The leader of the group asks his friends as they continued to walk. "No?" The girl answered.

Further into the cave, they were attack by giant ants. As they attempted to leave the cave, the giant ants ran after them and they tried to fight them off but they couldn't. As Rigur's team found them fighting the ants, the Hobgobolins helping them out, they defeated the Ants, and decided to bring back the humans too Rimuru.

"Thank you. We can't thank you enough for helping us." Says the short girl too Rimuru.

"Allow me to introduce all of us. Im Eren and this over here is Kaval the leader of our group and this is Gido some what of a thief but he doesn't do it as much."

"I'm Shizue as well" The girl speaks out too Rimuru and she also see's that Kyru is also their behind Rimuru.

Both Kyru and Rimuru knew that sounded like a Japanese name but they didn't say anything about it.

"Nice too meet you! come inside if you want." Kyru walks into the tent as well he was the first too walk in and he looks at all 4 of them and see's good power inside of them all .

"So this is the squad that Rigur's Squad saved? Pretty good bunch I'd say just tell by looking at them they have good teamwork and that they don't waste time doing things that could hinder their teamwork."

"Thank you sir." Eren said this too Kyru with a happy smile on her face.

Then Kyru and Rimuru hear their stomachs rubble.

"Uhh we haven't eaten in a while so."

"Don't worry we'll serve you food!" Rimuru offers them food and they gladly accept it.

"Yeah don't worry we didn't poison the food earlier and I've been eating this food for the past 2 weeks since I'm new here as well" They all look at you like your a well known person there and that you have such a good relationship with Rimuru.

"But you are in the leaders hideout are you not?" Eren ask this to Kyru because you seem like you've been there for ages."

"Well I have my reasons that I'm here I can show you why I'm here and staying here to protect this place." 

"Uh sure why not"

Kyru tells them to walk out of the tent and he walks out too an open space and activates his demon form 2nd tier and when they look at him they start too sweat a little and they huddle up hoping you wouldn't do anything too them. Except for Shizue-San.

"Don't worry I won't do anything too you guys I would take my power up a notch but if I do I feel like I would lose my Sanity and I don't want that too happen Especially here. So I've only used this power when in dire need."

"Thats a pretty scary power you got their bud" Kaval says this too Kyru with a little smile on his face while sweating.

"Well lets go eat"

They get some food that was cooked and have the food inside Rimurus tent that he stays in.

"So Shizue-san? Are you Japanese by any chance?"

"Oh Rimuru-san yeah I am."

Kyru knew that she was Japanese by the way she was sitting and as she was looking at you she saw a very deep dark power inside of you that you would unleash some day that would protect this whole place if it ever needed to be protected.

"Rimuru-san who is that over there?" Shizue is asking about Kyru sitting in the corner

"Oh that's Kyru one of my strongest well probably my strongest person here he's protected this place for a bit now not for a long time but for a bit. He's staying here since this is the only place he has too stay."

Kyru looks over at them and starts too talk too them

"Sorry for scaring you all out their since now you know why I don't want to use my powers too the full extent and this power I have is dangerous I have yet too control my powers I can only use it for a short time."

Shizue looks at Kyru and she knows that he feels the same thing that they both can't control their powers too its full extent and how they must be carful with their powers.

"Rimuru-san I guess this is where we leave its getting late and we don't want anything too happen to use while its dark so were going to head out."

"Ok! Eren Kalva Gido Stay safe!" "OH wait! Take this its new armor I had them make it for you since your guy's armor wasn't the best quality so we made you some new armor."

"Thank you!" 

As they leave Something happens to Shizue-San. They see her just standing still and then see a red beam come out of her mask.

Kyru runs out of the tent too see whats happening and sees Fire engulfing Shizue

"Shizue-san!" he trys to calm her down but it's too no use then he gets shot back into a tree and as he gets back up he sees this spirit take over her body. The spirit body Ifirit.

The Spirit Ifirit looks at the place he's in and he throws his fire everywhere setting the whole place ablaze. 

"Shizue-san!" Eren and Gido and Kaval return too see Ifirit taking over her body.

"Shit this is bad the whole place will go in flames!" Kyru says this too him self and as he sees the villagers running he activates his demon form protecting them all with his darkness he was pushed too his limit of his powers matching that of a True Demon Lord. 

Kyru uses his darkness to transfer everyone out of the city to a safe location and as you get your darkness back Eren, Gido, and Kaval see your powers too its full extent its covering most of your body with a dark cape in the back and see the mark on your forehead even bigger and your powers were even stronger than before.

"Hey Kyru! Calm down!" Rimuru is yelling at Kyru to calm down so he won't destroy the whole place.

But its not getting to Kyru. Kyrus Darkness has taking over his sanity and he is about too destroy ifrit but before he could Eren steps in front of him and he looks at her and remembers what he said.

He reverts back too his normal state falling over from the exhaustion that he just felt from activating Assault mode.

"Eren! take care of Kyru for me I'll deal with this my self." Rimuru says this too Eren so that she could take care of you while Kyru was knocked out.

End of the chapter here Next Chapter: The Flame Spirit Ifrit 

Hope you enjoyed the chapter still gonna try to improve my writing as I go on hope you stay toned around later

That time I got reincarnated as a demon. (Sds x slime cross over)Where stories live. Discover now