Charybdis The Destroyer

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"I have an urgent message! Charybdis The Destroyer has been revived and it is headed this way! I must inform you because it will kill all of it's inhabitants here."

"Thanks Treyni. Souei can you hear me?"

"Yes Master."

"Can you gather everyone to the meeting center. I have an urgent message."

"Right I'll do as you say."

Then Souei teleports around telling everyone about what's happening and after 5 minutes they all arrive at the Meeting center.

"So Great Rimuru. What is this Urgent message about."

"It is about Charybdis The Destroyer. I'll let Treyni explain it." Rimuru says to all of them.

 "Charybdis The Destroyer has the power to even defeat that of a demon lord. Even though it died 3000 years ago it can still be revived if it has the right soul. We don't know why it is headed here but we must defend this place at all cost."

"Then I'll deal with it my self!" Milim says out loud.

"Since I am a Demon lord I want to test my powers on it!"

"No. We will not allow that. This is our city's problem!" Shion says to Milim.

"What! Why! I would blast him away in one go!"

"She's right Milim. It may be our fault. I don't know why it is but we have to figure it out. Well everyone! Get ready for a fight for your life! And Kyru..."

As Rimuru looks around he see's that Kyru is missing.

"Where did he go!"

Kyru is in the air waiting for Charybdis and he can see him through the darkness of the light due to his demon powers.

"We have 8 hours before he arrives from the speed that he's moving at. Well I guess I'll inform them about how long we have." Kyru then goes back and lands straight back into the Meeting center.

"Kyru! Where the hell did you go?"

"I went to go check out how far it is away from here. We have 8 hours to prepare so we need to move now!"


During these 8 hours they talked about a plan on how to stop Charybdis if things got out of hand. And they also put Kyru in the backline for some odd reason but he didn't disagree with them. And they also put Milim inside the city because they didn't want her to fight the damned beast.

"Everyone get ready. It arrives in 30 minutes."

"Don't get lose your cool now Rimuru." A familiar voice Rimuru hears.

"Oh King Gazel? What are you doing here?"

"We heard about Charybdis. We won't allow you guys to get defeated so I am here to help. Now lets go also I have a parting gift for you after this fight."

"Ok. Let the fight begin!"

Its day time right now.

As everyone from Tempest looks at Charybdis they notice Kyru floating in the air in front of the city gate in his Assault mode waiting. But on the other hand at Charybdis part all the others are fighting off shark like monsters.

"Geld! We're trying our best to stop this monster! It's over powering us! Argh!" They get blasted away but then Geld jumps in and stops the Monster alone with his brute strength and kills it by Stabbing his axe inside its head.

That time I got reincarnated as a demon. (Sds x slime cross over)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن