Man-And-Monster Summit part 2

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"Once it has fallen. We will have it be reborn as a new nation. With the Champion Youm as the new king. Fortunately he is popular among our citizens." Rimuru explains to everyone.

"Kiddo you don't seem surprised." King Gazel says to Youm.

"Haha... Boss already told me in secret."

"So its a revolution. Farmus has already lost 20,000 soldiers. It might be possible but. It won't be that easy..." Then suddenly King Gazel uses his aura to shoot at youm  and then he deactivates it.


"Your willpower is commendable. But are you prepared?"

"You can count on me King gazel! I'll give my all to this role that I have been entrusted with! Don't you think it's natural for a guy to look cool in front of the girl he fell in love with?"

King gazel was stunted when he heard this. Grucious laughed at this comment as well.

"Fool..." Myuran was embarrassed

"King of dwarves I also gurantee that this guy is a fool but he is not irresponsible. Until the day he is heralded as a heroic king such as your self. I Grucious will watch over him."

"Hmm is that so... In that case then it is alright if you ever get in trouble you may rely on me."

"That's Reasuring." Youm says.

"Now if you have any other opinion on this matter please state it." Rimuru says."

"May I speak?"

"Fuze you may." Rimuru allows him.

"Blumund may be able to lend a hand in this endeavor as well. In the kingdom of Farmus there is a distant relative of King Blumund. He is called Marquis Muller. With him negotiating this should be possible. If this works out then he might be a convenience to you."

"Really!" Rimuru shouts.

"Puhaha. How amusing! This is quite delightful! I can't believe you have this cross country heart to heart talk! I was a fool for being on guard. Allow me to ask you the one known as fuze. Why are you in a diplomatic relation with Tempest?" Elalude ask

"What do you?"

Little flash back.

"Right now you have to come here on Blumunds offical approval am I right?"

"Eh? me!?"

"I'll leave it to you."

flash back end.

"I wish to know King Blumunds intentions." Elalude explains. "But with all due respect although I can hardly be called a major power. Your nation is good at negotiating. Which is beneficial to deals. So wouldn't it be better if you observed the actions of The West Saints Church first? At the very least there was no reason to finalize the establishment of diplomatic relations at this point." Elalude also explains.

"I am aware of that..." Fuze scratches his head then looks up. "Yes it as you say. Duke Elalude, I and Veryard a noble acquantance of mine shared the same opinon. But..." 

Little flash back.

"Form a relationship of trust and aim for coexistence and mutual prosperity. That is the only thing we can do." King Blumund explains to Fuze.

"Bu... But."

"Isn't it the nation that defeated the Orc lord and Charybdis. If we don't get along with them our nation will go under!!!"

That time I got reincarnated as a demon. (Sds x slime cross over)Where stories live. Discover now