Attack Of The Orges

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"Shizue-san left me something." Kyru looks over at Rimuru and see's a mask that she use to wear all the time.

"What kind of mask is it?" Kyru ask Rimuru this with a confused look in his face.

"Notice- The mask has Magicoles sealing magic. It will negate any Magicoles to fly out of your body."

"Thanks Great-Sage."

"Kyru watch over the village for me I'm gonna go out and test out this mask."

"Yeah no problem."

Rimuru goes over too Veldora's Cave and goes further into the cave then puts on the mask and it sealed his Magicoles like the Great-Sage.

"This is going to be useful when I go places so my magicoles won't fly everywhere."

"Master! The Hobgoblins are being attacked by some random Monsters! Can we ask the assistants from Kyru?"

"Go ahead I'll be there give me a couple!"

Ranga rushes back too the camp and tells Kyru what happend.

"Master Kyru! We need your assistants my Master is away right now! We ask for your help!."

"Don't worry Ranga take me there now!"

Kyru hops on the back of Ranga and as soon as he gets there he see's Gobta get attacked and get a small wound.


"It's a small wound don't worry."

Kyru walks over too the spot and he sees 6 Monsters.

"What's going on here?" Kyru ask all 6 of them and see's a pink haired girl and a red haired man a blue haired man a purple haired female a Old man and a serious looking man.

"Tell us you Majin! Why did you Destroy our town!" The red haired man asked Kyru this question and attacks him.

"Ranga you take the pink haired one I'll hold out for Rimuru."

"Sir but you will be taking on 5 orge's by your me self."

"Don't worry Ranga who do you think I am."

"Yeah you're right. Don't die on me!"

"Like I will!"

Ranga jumps away and dashes towards the Pink haired girl and as he does you look over too the other 5 Orges.

"I'm not here to fight so please I'm not trying to cause a problem or scene that will could end up bad."

"Shut up! You Destroyed our home!"

They all dash towards Kyru but Kyru jump's into the air then smashing his fist into the ground making them all fall. One of the Orges gets up and tries to hit Kyru with his hammer but Kyru dodge it and then Kyru moves away from the slash that was about to hit him. Kyru pulls out LostVayne and gets in one of his stances.

"I don't want to hurt you guy's but if I do I will."

Rimuru comes by and asked Kyru whats happening.

"Whats happening Kyru and whats the situation?" Kyru explains what happened.

"Oh ok. Kyru you take on the other 2. I'll take on the other 3 over there."

"Ok Rimuru don't die on me."

"Don't worry I won't."

"My master is here good I don't want anything to happen to anyone here."

Kyru dashes away from Rimuru going towards the Red Haired Male fights with him for a bit but the old man that was with him is negating you from hitting him.

"Tch this is going to be harder than I thought." Then out of no where another Orge comes out of the shadows it was the blue haired one. He knocks LostVayne out of your hands and then the  old man moves and was about too stab you. Then a giant dust of smoke appears everywhere and they all feel your presence.

"Hmm he stopped a killer thrust with just his fingers?

Everyone looks at Kyru and see's his demon mark at stage one and his demon shadow was covering his fingers while he caught the killer thrust from the old man then LostVayne into his hands. After LostVayne falls back into his hands he throws the old man back and moves faster than before and punches the blue haired male into a tree knocking him out.

"Hmm he's going to be a lot tougher than we thought..."

"I will still fight even if it means death!"

"I will join you young Master even if it means death!"

Rimuru walks over too stop the fight.

"Wait we're not trying to fight can we reason first."

"No! You evil Majin you killed destroyed our Home!"

"I think you have the wrong person."

"Stop lying the mask is the same as theirs!"

" *Sigh* Fine I'll show you when I'm Serious!"

Rimuru sticks his hand into the air blasting a Black Flame into the air and then he puts his other hand too a rock and blows up a huge boulder.

"Tch even if I am outmatched I won't giveup without fighting."

"Stop fighting now!"

Kyru transforms into assault mode but is able to keep it too an extent to where he can stay inside of it for a bit.

"Stop this baseless fighting now. Or you will die."

The Orge starts too sweat from the pressure that you are generating but Kyru reverts back and then the Orge takes the chance to slash Kyru in half but the Pink Haired Orge walks in front of Kyru almost getting hit by the momentum of the slash but Kyru Breaks the blade before it could hit her and saves her from being hit.

"Oni-san! Stop this fighting now! If they wanted to kill us they would have!"

"She's right I could kill all of you in an instant if I wanted but I won't because I have no need too."

"Tch move!" She doesn't move but he looks at us and then understands what she meant.

"Sorry for the commotion that we have caused!."

They all go onto their knees and bow

"But what are you anyways?"

"Nothing more than a Slime. Yup Rimuru the Slime."

He transforms into his slime form.

"This mask is a keep sake that I got from someone that they wanted me to keep."

"Oh then we ask for your forgiveness and our rudeness that we have caused you."

"Don't worry I won't hurt you guys and you are already forgiven. And I heard that you guys don't have a place to stay so why not stay here in tempest."

"Really? But what we caused."

"Don't worry about it! I got you covered!"

"We thank you!"

End of the chapter

Hope you enjoyed this chapter also I know I'm blasting chapters out left and right but I've been feeling very motivated to write this book a lot lately and I hope you like it a lot stay tuned and enjoy the next chapter: The Orc Lord. Also Check out my Remake of my Rising of the Shield Hero Book.

That time I got reincarnated as a demon. (Sds x slime cross over)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt