Tempest vs Clayman

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"I'll be leaving Milim to you Veldora. This gives me time to see if she is under a curse or not." Rimuru tells Veldora.

"Got it. Well then this is getting interesting. I get to fight my brothers only daughter."

Rimuru jumps back and analyzes Milim but its taking a while. But suddenly a Fox jumps towards Rimuru.


"Sir I will be your opponent!" Ranga then jumps in front of the fox and bites it in the neck.

"Nine head! Tch. If you both weren't here!"

"Shion I'll leave you with Clayman and his lackeys to you! I need time to figure out Milim."

"Got it Rimuru-sama!"

"We will save Milim!" Rimuru then gets a response from Raphael.

"Notice- She is not under a curse."

"What! Then?"

"Notice- It might be the thing on her arm but due to Veldora fighting her it might be a bit problematic."

"I see... Veldora! It might be something to do with the thing on her arm! But be careful!"


Veldora then dashes towards Milim but she trips so Veldora tries to grab it but she punches straight at his face.

"Hmm. She did that on purpose then." Milim then punches Veldora in the arm burning him a little. "Haha! This is fun."

"Isn't this taking it a bit to far Rimuru? Shouldn't you be the one fighting her?" Kyru ask. 

"Can't do much with Veldora here. Plus I already asked him."

"Isn't this a bit to much!" Ramiris yells out. "Clayman has Milim and the puppet Nine head! Just from the numbers alone it's already unfair!! Wait! Guy! I'm with Rimuru so my servant Beretta-"

"No way."

"Why not?!"

"Huh? This fight is between  Tempest and Clayman yeah? There is no reason for you to join the fight."

"What are you talking about? Milim's in there isn't she?"

"Oh it's fine for her."

"What do you mean! That's not fine!"

"Milim probably has her own motivations besides... That dryad over there seems fully committed to protecting you but. This beretta of yours. Whom has it sworn it loyalty to? From what I can tell its a demon incarnated into a mannequin of Magi-steel. But you're not its summoner are you? We can't have a servant that serves two demon lords at once." Guy explains to Ramiris.

"It's ture. These two individuals whom I consider my masters. Ramiris whom I must serve... And Rimuru my summoner and creator."

"She's an old friend of mine. I can't let one of her servants waver between masters. Beretta I need you to decide right here right now. Who is your one and only master?"

"As long as I live. I pledge my Loyalty to Ramiris. So please allow me to be of service to Lord Rimuru at least this once."

"Is that what you call Loyalty?"

"Yes it is. It is Lady Ramiris wish to save him after all. I see no contradiction here."

"You're doing it because your master wants you to. Ah makes more sense to me now."

"Isn't that obvious!? We're all friends after all! Beretta, and treyni and of course even Rimuru!"

"Well... If that's alright with you. You don't have any seconds thoughts do you?"

That time I got reincarnated as a demon. (Sds x slime cross over)Where stories live. Discover now