Birth of a Demon Lord.

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"I'll let you handle this from here on out Rimuru."

"Yeah thanks Friend. Now! Megiddo!"

He then summons Slime bullets in the sky and then it starts to kill the Guards of the Kingdom of Falmuth.

"Notice- 500 killed. 700 killed. 1000 killed. 3000 killed. 6500 killed. 7500 killed. 9500 killed. 10000 killed."

"Sir! Our Troops are falling left and right!" 

"What do you mean Folgen!"

"Something is killing them. But it seems slow. I'll go deal with it my self sire."

"Go now!"

Folgen then walks out and dies.

"What! Even Folgen!" Then Razen also steps outside and also get's shot in the head.

"Even Razen! What's happening!"

"We happened that's what happened to fucking bastard!"

Kyru flies down with Rimuru.

"What is the meaning of this! We didn't do anything wrong!"

"ANYTHING WRONG!" Kyru and Rimuru got pissed on how he said anything wrong.

"You killed my whole city... And you say there's nothing wrong?"

"Your city is full of monsters! Why should anyone care!"

"Because you angered the wrong people."

"Tch... I've heard that both of them are soft and kind. If I can win them over then I can kill them!"

"Bow down to me now! I am the King of Falmuth!"

"You better watch who your talking to!" Kyru then cuts off his hand with his golden arm.


"Your talking to the Demon king."

"The what! You don't mean!"


Rimuru then stops the bleeding with his black flame so that he wouldn't die.

"Notice- You are at 50% of reaching your Demon Lord state."

"Then kill the others that haven't died."


They all die.

"You have reached enough for Harvest Festival! 100% Reached."


"Starting Harvest Festival Transformation has begun."

Then Rimuru starts to feel sleepy.

"Tch this is my time!"

The king tries to run away but Kyru stops him dead in his tracks.

"I don't know where your trying to go."

"Notice- Someone has survived your attack."

"Really.... I thought I killed them all.... Ranga!"

Ranga then jumps out of his shadow.

"Yes Master!"

"Take me back to Tempest. Make sure that I don't get hurt ok..."

"Yes Master. What about Master Kyru?"

"Leave him for now. He can handle the situation..."


That time I got reincarnated as a demon. (Sds x slime cross over)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant