Swirling Conspiracy

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"Shit!" Demon Lord Clayman yells out. "To think that they would be killed by a single majin... Well they were just a weak human army after all... But on top of that Pirone was killed during her reconnaissance mission. Maybe that demon intentionally diverted it towards the sky? Regardless of what happened it led to both of their awakenings! But I was at least able to confirm that 20,000 was enough for one of them to evolve. But my own awakening has been a failure! I can't believe I wasted all my time on that lord's efforts of arranging such an opportunity..."

Then some one knocks on the door.

"Sorry for the disturbance but is it a good time to talk?"

"Well well well if it isn't Frey. So what do you need. Is is something Trivial then lets talk about it later." He Groans.

"I swear that attitude of yours. To think that I would allow you to command me. But anyways have some sympathy for your subordinate. But don't worry I assure you it's good news. Demon Lord Milim has handily defeated Demon Lord Karion. The Beast Kingdom Yuurazania has ceased to exist!"

"Oh is that so? Well then you have done a good job."

("Even though my plan was a failure. But I have no need to worry I guess. I have this power within my hands. Absolute Power: Milim Nava!")

"Well that's my report and I have repaid my debt. Now then I'll be leaving."

"Wait Frey! Do you really plan on leaving this blood thirsty Milim here? I want you to take her home and take care of her."

"I have no reason to. So?"

"You may have mistaken something. Milim is now my Puppet. You have witnessed how Yuurazania was blown away in a single explosion. But I believe with those Beautiful eyes of yours are known as the greatest among the Demon lords didn't you?"

"Right... So that was your plan from the beginning wasn't it? Well I don't wish to meet the same fate as Karion. So I will just take her with me I guess..."

"Very wise of you Frey. Well then you may leave."

("I have gained a trump card. I no longer need to fear the other Demon lords. Now that I have this Milim Nava's powers. Nothing can stop me. But I feel like reaping tens of thousands of souls is now a much easier matter. Well with this power at my hands I will be able to Awaken into a True demon lord without having to put any effort in.")

"Ku,ku,ku,ku. With this I can finally get rid of Demon Lord Leon."

("However before that We shall get rid of that eyesore of a church. But There are a lot of secrets that make it difficult to grasp the situation at hand but. For now like I'll wait for Laplaces Report on his infiltration mission.")

At the church.

"What's your Problem!" someone says with a mask on. "This place is supposed to be a sacred place. So why is there a Vampire here!"

"Silence you defile god's seat you trash Insect! I shall judge you myself and you may die with that Honor!"

(Monster Extermination. One of the most doctrines of ruminism that is widely circulated in the western nations. But who could've anticipated this?") The guy with the mask says.

"Pesky insect..."

("To think that in this temple a sacred one at that would there be a Vampire in priestly robing.")

"You stain the presence of god. Ruminassama. That is absolutely unforgiveable!"

("Oh shit!")


That time I got reincarnated as a demon. (Sds x slime cross over)Where stories live. Discover now