Chapter 46

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~Rylan's POV~
I sat up gasping, I was drenched in sweat. I think I had a nightmare, I don't know. If I did, I don't remember it. I slowly got out of bed and went over to the window and looked outside, the sun was setting. How long was I out? I put on a random jacket and went downstairs, going over to the door.

"Where are you going?"

I jumped slightly and turned around. Kurt, Dave, and Krist were sitting on the couch. A movie was on. I shrugged "I wanted to go for a walk" Dave got up "I'll come with." I shook my head "Dave you don't have to-" "Rylan, if Ruby is out there looking for you, she could hurt you more. We don't want her to keep controlling you like this." I sighed. I was gonna go on a walk, but I was gonna walk to Ruby's place.

"Fine" Dave grabbed his jacket, and we went outside. We started walking, nowhere specific, we just walked. Dave looked over at me "How're you feeling?" I shrugged "Fine." He frowned "You sure?" I nodded "Yes." I said, slightly irritated  "Are you telling me the truth?" I stopped walked and looked at him "YES, DAVE! I SAID I'M FEELING FINE SO JUST FUCKING DROP IT!!" I yelled. He looked shocked "Ryl-" I ran away. I just yelled at him. I just yelled at Dave. He probably hates me now.

I ran to the bridge and hid under it by some overgrown bushes, sitting down and pulling my knees up to my chest. I hid my face, shaking. I wasn't crying, I couldn't. Then I heard a voice

"Ryyylaaaaan~" a voice sang. I looked up, it was Ruby. I got up, going over to her, she wrapped her arms around my waist. I stared at her with a blank expression "Hi." "Where have you been?" "At home, in my room, trying to recover from what you've done to me." I spat, she giggled "You're feisty today. Withdrawl, I'm guessing?" I scoffed "Yeah, so what?" She held up a bag of white powder, "I can fix that" I pushed her away, shaking my head "No." She glared at me "What'd you just say?"

"He said no, now fuck off!"

We both looked over, it was Dave. I ran over to him, Ruby scoffed "Found yourself a new family, huh?" I nodded "Yeah, so? Dave and the other guys are my guardians." She crossed her arms "You can't replace your family,  murderer." My eyes widened.


She walked past us, "Don't come crying to me when withdrawl becomes too much for you." I waited until she was far away, then I completely broke down. I fell onto my knees, sobbing. Some of the rocks cut my knees, which hurt alot. But not as much as what Ruby said.

Dave knelt by me, hugging me tightly, "It's okay, it's okay.." I sobbed. He carried me back to the house. I heard Krist and Kurt talking, then footsteps. Dave set me down on the couch, I curled up and hid my face.

They all sat by me, asking me questions about what happened. I got up and ran to my room, slamming the door and locking it.

I sat on my bed, reaching in my pocket and pulling out that bag Ruby showed me earlier. She somehow snuck it into my pocket when she was leaving.

'Don't come crying to me when withdrawl becomes too much for you.'

So that's what she meant by that.

I tossed the bag in the tiny garbage by the door, I'll get rid of it later. I don't need that shit.

I laid back on the bed.


I covered my face, trying to keep my breathing steady.

Then the door burst open. It was Krist and the others. I sat up, wiping at my eyes "What?" They all hugged me, basically crushing me.

Kurt made me look at him, "Rylan, listen. You don't need to depend on that stuff, you shouldn't. It makes you feel happy and stuff, but that's temporary. It just hurts you in the long run. Hell, you almost died from it!" He grabbed my shoulders "Promise me you'll stop seeing Ruby. Promise me you'll stop doing drugs." I nodded, he hugged me tightly.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled "It's alright."

"Everything is gonna be alright."



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