Chapter 7

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~Krist's POV~
I watched as Kurt held onto the kid and rubbed his back, I feel bad for him. I don't know what he's been dealing with but it's gotta be bad. I don't even know his name, should I ask him for his name? Maybe I should wait for Kurt to do that, I don't know. Eventually the kid did calm down, which is good, he kept saying sorry over and over which made Kurt and I exchanged worried looks. I get that him saying sorry isn't something super concerning but he's saying it after he just had a panic attack. Am I overthinking this? I probably am.

I looked down at him and opened my mouth to say something, but I don't know what to say. Kurt started talking to him, that seemed to make him feel better. I decided to say something

"Um..I'm not the best with words but uh, the way you're feeling right now is totally fine, there's nothing wrong with it. I don't know if there's something going on at home or something but you shouldn't feel bad for feeling this way."

That seemed to comfort him a bit, which made Kurt and I smile slightly

"Okay I think I'm ready to get back out there, smells like shit in here" he mumbled

"Smells like teen spirit" Kurt said laughing, the kid shook his head smiling "Shut up." Kurt and the kid walked out to the others

"That was touching" Said some rando in one of the stalls "Oh, uh, thanks I guess-" I said rushing out of the bathroom trying not to laugh


sorry for the shitty chapter, I'm dealing with a bit of writers block at the moment but I'm dealing with it
autocorrect is annoying

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