Chapter 36

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~Rylan's POV~
I sat up in that dark void again. I saw that flame again, too. I reached out to it. It moved away and erupted into the wall of flames. I waited for Raymond to walk out, but it was someone else.

It was Jason.

"JASON!" I ran to him and tried hugging him, but I went right through him. I backed away, "I'm sorry I left." He sighed, sitting down "It's fine. I'm over it now, since I'm dead it doesn't really matter anymore. I was pissed off and sad when I found out you left. I understand why, but I was sad." I grunted, clutching at my ribs. He frowned, holding out his hand "You can join us, y'know. No more pain or sadness." "...Promise?" "Promise."

I reached out to grab his hand, but I quickly pulled it back. I backed away shaking my head, "No, there's stuff I have to do, people I have to meet. I wanna stay alive." Jason nodded "I understand, I really do. I'm glad I got to see you again, Ry." He turned to walk into the flames "Also, do what Raymond said. Don't beat yourself up over me, I'm doing just fine." He smiled at me, and it all disappeared.


I was awake, but I didn't open my eyes. I heard a voice say, "He's alive! He's alive!" And then I heard footsteps rush in and more voices calling my name, I slowly opened my eyes. I slowly turned my head, Kurt, Krist, Dave, and some other guy were standing there. The doctors backed away, rushing out to go grab more equipment. I tried sitting up, yelping when I kinda sat up. My ribs hurt alot. Kurt made me lay back down, "Lay down" I nodded slightly "Who's that..?" I whispered, pointing at the other guy

"That's Pat."

"Hi." He said

I nodded, "Can I sleep now..?" Krist shook his head, "Not now, the doctors need to do some tests." I groaned "But I'm tired" I whined. Dave chuckled a bit "You sound like me. But yeah, you need to stay awake until the doctors are done."

I sighed, staring at the ceiling. This was gonna take forever.

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