Chapter 28

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~Rylan's POV~
A couple hours later I was woken up by Dave shaking me, why do people always shake me? I put my hand on his face whining, "Snooze." He chuckled "Ry, guess what day it is!" I yawned "Wednesday?" He shook his head smiling. I was confused, "Is it not Wednesday?" He Pat my head "It's Thursday, and your birthday!" I looked at him. I didn't even realize it was my birthday. I'm 19 now, that's weird.

Dave took me back into the room, Krist was holding a box of donuts. Kurt was holding a plate with a cupcake on it. I smiled, "How'd you guys know?" Krist smiled, "Rowan" I nodded. My stomach growled,  "Can I eat the cupcake now?" They all nodded. After I ate the cupcake, Kurt said "After we eat the donuts you can open your presents!" He smiled.

Today might be a good day after all.

Once we finished eating the donuts, Kurt and Krist grabbed a few boxes and brought them over to me. I arranged them from smallest to biggest.

The first present had a few notebooks, pencils, and a sweater Kurt got me, I put it on and smiled like a little kid. Dave took a picture.

The second present was from Krist. It was some CDs from my favorite bands, a CD player, and a pair of headphones.

The third present was from Dave, it was a cassette recorder, I stared at it amazed. They all smiled, Dave spoke, "So you can record songs and stuff"

The fourth present was from all three of them, and it was my favorite.
It was a card and a long box, I read the card.

You're amazing and talented and deserve love. You are loved. You're really cool and we're all glad we met you.
Happy birthday, Ry.

Kurt, Dave, Krist'

I teared up and looked away, "Stop, no, I'm gettin' all sappy!" I was smiling, Krist gestured at the box. I opened it, gasping when I saw what it was.

It was a Fender Jagstang, a guitar I've wanted ever since I heard about it. I hugged all of them crying happy tears.  What did I do to deserve this? Maybe they just felt bad for me..
I shook my head, pushing that negative thought to the back of my head.

"Thank you, so much" I whispered
"No problem, happy birthday, Ry" Krist said
"Happy birthday!" Kurt and Dave exclaimed at the same time.

I spent the rest of the day messing around with my new items.


did a happy chapter to celebrate 100 reads! thank you all! :D

You Know You're RightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora